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Worried about the weather ruining my trip

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    Worried about the weather ruining my trip

    So basically what the title of the thread says, I'm worried about the weather cancelling my trip on December 12th to see my SO in Texas. I live in Colorado so the weather is fairly sporadic. I know it's kind of early to worry but I'm very finicky, I guess? I have a few questions though.

    How much snow it takes to cancel a plane trip? In Colorado, most things rarely get canceled for most amounts of snow. We only cancel things if the RTD bus stops running. Which is...maybe once or twice a year tops. But are planes different from that? Not sure if it's important for you to know, but I'm using the DIA and heading to DFW. Also not sure how important this is, but the plane departs from CO at 4pm. Also, I'm taking Frontier Airlines.

    I'm just really worried since it's like a 2 hr bus trip and costs $11 per trip to get back and forth to the air port and y'know, just all that annoying stuff. Whatever experience you guys have in bad weather and plane trips would be nice to read about too. Any comforting words are always nice too!

    Thanks for reading!

    I've had a flight cancelled due to fog before, so it doesn't really have anything to do with amount of snow. Its conditions, its ice on the runway it could be an array of things. Stop worrying there isn't anything you can do about it if it happens other then wait for your delayed flight to fly or be rebooked on a later flight, you'll still get there. You can usually check online the status of the flight before you go, its a domestic flight so its not like you have to go hours early. Just try not to get worked up about something you have no control over.


      Exactly like snow_girl said, try not to get worked up over things you can't control. And if it's delayed it's delayed, but you'll still get there. I'll tell you a story... I first met my SO in November 2010, and my flight in was okay, though if I remember correctly that day there was a bunch of ash in the area over Iceland because of a volcano eruption.. I got in to the UK okay, actually the flight was probably one of my shortest Canada-UK flights yet! And my flight back to Canada was okay too except there was ice on the runway we were supposed to land on in Vancouver so the airplane had to circle around to land on another runway so it was delayed.. and it was snowing (or just snow on the ground, I can't remember if it was actually still snowing) when I got back (like a "Welcome back to Canada" sign! lol). That whole experience is just to tell you that I know from experience that while weather can delay flights, they are good at operating even in less than ideal weather patterns, so don't worry! I'm sure your flight will be good, and since you're seeing your SO, it'll be worth any delays you might experience!


        My flight has been delayed a few times because of snow, not cancelled though, I'm pretty certain that airlines aren't too keen with cancelling flights. And if you look at the positive side, you might get to spend some more time with your SO!
        No time zone or distance or anything can keep us apart


          I've travalled at various times of the year from Ontario to Atlanta (and once to LA in January) and not once did a flight get cancelled due to weather. A little delayed yes, but never cancelled. I was even in Chicago a couple years ago when there was a huge snowstorm happening and we still flew out.

          The only time I had a flight "cancelled" it was due to Delta being stupid and I ended up staying with my SO an extra day so I can't complain. hehe

          Just relax and enjoy your trip, everything will work out.

          "True love isn't about being inseparable; it’s about two people being true to each other even when they are separated."
          Married April 18th, 2015!!
          Distance Closed October 4th, 2015!!


            I flew in a snowstorm from Ottawa to Dallas last Christmas... the road conditions were so bad that my taxi could barely stay on the road... I thought I would die on my way to the airport... We had no delay. The plane had to go in for deicing, but that was accounted for in the flight schedule...

            Seriously for a cancelled flight it takes more than just a snow storm... especially not the type of snow you would most likely see in mid December... The only cancelled flight I had was due to some mechanical issue... and then, they put me up in a hotel and put me on the next available flight... it was a pain in the butt, but not the end of the world...

            I'm flying Ottawa to Dallas again on Christmas day... the only worry I have is my 1 hour connection in Toronto... if there is a delay, I could miss my connection... but since Ottawa and Toronto weather is normally similar, chances are if my Ottawa flight is delayed, my Toronto one would be as well.. so nothing to worry about!
            First met online: June, 2010
            First met in person: August, 2011 (See the story of our first visit)
            Second visit: December, 2011 (Christmas and New Years together!)
            Third visit together: August, 2012
            Fourth visit: December 2012 (Christmas and New Years together!)
            Fifth visit: July 2013 (2 weeks here in Canada)
            Sixth visit: December 2013 (Christmas and New Years together again and I finally met his mother!)
            Next visit: Unknown... for now but coming up ASAP


              I wanted to add that I don't know anything about the airport in Colorado, but in my experience DFW runs like clockwork! Never had any problems flying out of there... (Except for the time I missed my plane, but that was my own fault... and even then, they gave me a cot, a pillow and a blanket, to sleep there until my re-booked flight came in)

              Colorado is used to snow. They'll have deicing, snow-clearing etc procedures that they are used to performing on a regular basis. Just like in my own home airport. There is an advantage of living somewhere with lots of snow, and that is the fact that you don't have to worry about the snow creating chaos and panic!
              First met online: June, 2010
              First met in person: August, 2011 (See the story of our first visit)
              Second visit: December, 2011 (Christmas and New Years together!)
              Third visit together: August, 2012
              Fourth visit: December 2012 (Christmas and New Years together!)
              Fifth visit: July 2013 (2 weeks here in Canada)
              Sixth visit: December 2013 (Christmas and New Years together again and I finally met his mother!)
              Next visit: Unknown... for now but coming up ASAP


                Airlines do not like to cancel flights. It causes many angry customers and is a logistics nightmare. Don't worry too much about it.

                After Hurricane Sandy hit New Jersey/New York/ect, Newark airport was up and running in I believe less than two days. So if they can do that, I wouldn't worry too much about snow!

                Became a couple: March 17th, 2010
                Started our college long distance relationship: August 2011
                Surprise engagement in Disneyworld! : March 22nd, 2013
                Closed the distance: May 2nd, 2014
                Became his wife and started our happily ever after!: May 17th, 2014

