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The insane people we meet.

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    The insane people we meet.

    Okay so those of us that live in the city areas either big or small can have our run ins with the crazy people

    Some are worse than others.

    I was riding the bus around town ( this was before my SO and I had closed the distance ) And I had met this guy Named " Bama " which is the name he gave me.

    He was a nice guy at first. Let me on the bus before him saying " ladys first " then after we were on the bus he sat one seat away from me.

    He starts talking to me.

    " Are you married ? "
    " no "
    " Do you have a boyfriend ?"
    " yes "

    from there it gets worse

    he said how he would like to marry me and would like me to have his baby.

    I took all of this in " joking fun " stranger talk ya know, never thought he was serious.

    He put his number in my phone and had me text him.
    Tried to talk me into going to alabama with him.

    I was as nice as possible and was clear with him that I had a boyfriend and the trip to alabama probably would not happen.

    He text me. I ignore everyone and delete his number, I only took his number in the first place not to seem rude.

    He runs into me yesterday

    " Oh you never texted back "
    " sorry, my phone got stolen " < lie. ( note I really hate being rude to people so I was trying to be nice )
    " When you gonna have my baby "
    " Aint gonna happen "


    He is at the bus center again. sees me and my boyfriend.
    He walks in the shelter area of the bus center where we were. Waves hi to me and is on the phone with some girl, feeding her all this crap about how no place is good enough without her and how he wants to move to be with her blah blah blah.

    My SO and I leave the bus shelter and go sit on the bench.
    " Bama " comes out after his phone conversation, yells for me. I ignore it. Starts to follow me and my SO.
    Continues yelling for me. We get off the bench and walk away.

    He starts calling my boyfriend names, Cock sucker, son of a bitch and so on trying to instigate a fight,
    My SO says " this is public property and I can record this all I want " ( he was recording the guy so we could go to the police if need be )

    the guy stops and eventually walks off as we are standing there with some other people.
    ( we ran into a pasture from a local church )
    The Pasture asked if we were okay and if we needed to call the cops.
    We said we were fine and there was no need for that yet. We then talked to the pasture who invited us to his church. Which we might actually go even tho we arnt religious at all. This guy was super nice. He even went to sqout out to see if " bama " was gone.

    He wasnt so we talked to the guy some more and waited for " bama " to leave after he left we went back to wait for our bus ( which we had missed thanks to " bama " ) and had to wait another hour.

    While we were waiting. The pasture guy came in and gave me $15 bucks to get some mace at the mall. Saying he wanted to help and felt it was the right thing to do. ( which now or days hardly anyone does the right thing )

    Robert ( My SO ) and I are going to see about going to the church sometime. We arent really religious, Im not sure what Robert follows anymore, hes studied a lot of different religions, And I consider myself a Wiccan, even tho I don't practice it as much as I used to.

    But things happen for a reason, maybe this is what Robert and I need, not the religion, but the friendship. We could use some friends right now as we mainly just have each other. And I think this church might help with homelesness.

    When I got home I filed a police report on " bama " and had found out from a guy on the bus that he tries the same stuff with girls on the bus all the time. Had been kicked out of the homeless shelter and has a shady place in town and is on heroine and has a couple of protitues.

    I gave the police all the info I had and they said if he come back and bothers me to call the cops and I also have mace on me, and as soon as my knife is fixed that will be on me as well.

    Well thats my story of city nut jobs.

    Anyone else have any ?? lol
    " There is always hope.

    I couldn't help but picture you talking to a field during that whole post.


      There's a guy a couple of streets over that always waves to my best friend and I (when I used to live here, I'm only here temporarily now.) His house is on the corner and I have to pass by it on my way in and out. We never waved back, mostly because he seems high out of his mind. One time my best friend's little cousin was walking to her bus stop and he started walking with and talking to her. She's 12. He didn't say anything inappropriate but it bothered her and her mom.

      Well one night I was coming home from work (I get home about 11:30) and drove past him and to the house. I was on the phone with my SO. I sit in the car talking to my SO for a bit then hang up and get out of the car. The dude's behind my car on his bike. He proceeds to tell me how cute I am and do I smoke and blah blah blah. I'm polite but tell him I have a boyfriend and am not interested. He keeps talking to me even as I'm backing away and up to the house. I watch through the gate and eventually he leaves. I lived in the back house, and my best friend's aunt lives in the front. Well apparently that night at about 3 in the morning he came back and rang Linda's doorbell looking for me. She yelled at him to go away and after some prompts he left. Who comes to someone's house at 3am?? Especially after they shot you down. Nutty. He still waves too.

      Met online: 1/30/11
      Met in person: 5/30/12
      Second visit: 9/12/12
      Closed the distance: 1/26/13!!!


        Originally posted by snow_girl View Post
        I couldn't help but picture you talking to a field during that whole post.
        LOL. Same here ><


          Originally posted by snow_girl View Post
          I couldn't help but picture you talking to a field during that whole post.
          LOL. Same here ><


            Originally posted by snow_girl View Post
            I couldn't help but picture you talking to a field during that whole post.
            Same, haha.


            This post actually made me feel a bit sad I'll admit. It really bothers me when I hear someone who is obviously mentally unwell referred to as crazy, insane or a nut job. My sister is studying to be a social worker and has really made me think about the homeless - like what are all of the things that would have to go completely wrong in your life for you to end up in the same situation? He is of course unwell and needs to be dealt with properly, but I am really bothered by your decriptions.

            Either way, that does sound like a scary experience. I haven't experienced anything like that in London, only jerks who push on the tube!

            Love will not betray you, dismay or enslave you, it will set you free

            Met: Cork, Ireland - December 31, 2009 • Started Dating: Cork, Ireland - May 22, 2010 • Became LD: July 15, 2010 • My Move From Canada to UK: October 26, 2011
            Closed the distance June 18, 2012!


              Umm... why would you give a stranger your phone number?


                Originally posted by lucybelle View Post
                Umm... why would you give a stranger your phone number?
                This... It's not rude to not give a total stranger your phonenumber, in my opinion that's the only normal thing to do... Sounds like a scary experience but I kind of agree with kteire.


                  This post actually made me feel a bit sad I'll admit. It really bothers me when I hear someone who is obviously mentally unwell referred to as crazy, insane or a nut job. My sister is studying to be a social worker and has really made me think about the homeless - like what are all of the things that would have to go completely wrong in your life for you to end up in the same situation? He is of course unwell and needs to be dealt with properly, but I am really bothered by your decriptions.

                  Either way, that does sound like a scary experience. I haven't experienced anything like that in London, only jerks who push on the tube!
                  I have a history of depression and mental illness in my family. Its one thing for it being a mental illness, its another when the person chooses to do drugs and attack people. Obviously this guy has some mental issues and I really hope he gets help, I had also found out from someone else that he is on drugs as well and the police have a warrant out for his arrest.

                  Insane: not sane; not of sound mind; mentally deranged. Thus would be this guy.

                  Umm... why would you give a stranger your phone number?
                  lol, Im not really good with shooting people down, I was trying to be nice. He seemed okay when I first met him. I thought he was just joking about all the things he was saying. Then when he saw my boyfriend and I he got really angry and started cussing out my boyfriend.

                  I've met other people and given them my number, Never had a problem like this before so I didnt think it would cause any harm.

                  apparently I was wrong, lesson learned.
                  " There is always hope.


                    I will grant you, where this happened, was not surprising. Considering the atmosphere.

                    My (ex)fiance n' I were in real straits. Back in Nov.'02, we had just moved from DC to Duluth(Minnesota). We were having trouble finding a place to live. We ended up in a co-ed homeless shelter for several weeks. One afternoon, my (ex)fiance was asleep on a couch in the main community area of the shelter. Suddenly, One of the other people that was in the shelter started trying to 'feel her up'. I had 'gently' and 'calmly' redirect the individual away from my (ex)fiance without risking getting thrown out of the shelter by management.

                    She has a boatload of mental health problems, herself. Due to childhood abuse(and possibly genetics). I am still glad I 'defended' her, despite all the emotional abuse she put me through.

                    First Visit: September 2016
                    Second Visit: January 2017 (Her birthday)
                    Third Visit: June 2018 (medical conference near her home)

                    John 3:16
                    For God so loved the world. That he gave his only begotten son. For whosoever believeth in him. Shall not perish but have eternal life
                    John 4:12
                    I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

