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Boyfriend going to be here next week! YAY!

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    Boyfriend going to be here next week! YAY!

    SOOOO excited!

    Anyways, my boyfriend is coming to see me in about a week (November 30-December 3) for my birthday, which is on Sunday, December 2nd. This is our second time meeting in person, and I find I am nowhere near as nervous as I was the first time seeing each other in person when I went to Toronto. He'll be getting here early in the morning via Megabus Friday (around 9:00 AM), and leaving late Monday, also via Megabus, at around 10:00 PM. We don't have much planned for when he's here, besides just hang out. If the weather is being cooperative, we may go around the zoo for a bit (we have a pretty nationally renowned zoo, the Henry Doorly Zoo, that I think would be fun for him to see, but that's only if weather is permitting. It's been GORGEOUS the passed few days, I just hope it continues that way...) Otherwise, we might do some, uh, birthday shopping (wink wink), eat at some nice restaurants downtown, show him where I live, or walk along the river. It feels kind of odd, because my city is so significantly smaller than his... Literally. His city is over six times larger than mine for God's sakes. It feels like there might not be a lot of exciting stuff to do, but I know that just having him be here will be exciting enough. He apparently picked me up something for my birthday. Not sure what it is, but he's doing the proper thing and keeping it a surprise for me. :P I will definitely have to update after the weekend's over.

    How is everyone's Thanksgiving so far, for all those who live in the US? Sadly, I'm not having much of one, because I have to take a nap in about a half-an-hour, and then wake up to get ready to work at, dun nun nun... A high-end clothing retail store! 11:30 PM tonight through 9:30 AM tomorrow morning. Yay Black Friday! (Don't worry, I have my pepper spray ready. :P)

    yaayyy i hope all goes well my thanksgiving has been okay.. with he was here.. dont we all

    First met: Jan 2013
    Started dating: 3/13/13


      Enjoy your time with your boyfriend! How exciting. Good luck at work tonight - I hope all goes well and you have a safe and uneventful Black Friday shift.

