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Finally held my SO for the first time last week....

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    Finally held my SO for the first time last week....

    I don't really know where to begin because the last week of my life was such a whirlwind of memories! I guess I should warn that this is a long post, first and foremost.

    I left my house on the 19th of this month and got on the shuttle to the Atlanta airport and I was IMMEDIATELY anxious, nervous, happy, excited and every other emotion I can think of. The sheer thought of knowing I would see my SO and hold her and so many other firsts made me an absolute wreck. I took one plane from ATL to Chicago and FINALLY landed in Michigan around 4pm. Of course the airport didn't have my luggage so I was without my suitcase but here's where it all gets AMAZING regardless of that fact.

    I was standing outside of the airport near the entrance/exit and my SO and I were texting each other talking about how soon we would finally see each other and what happened to my bags and just ANYTHING that was on our minds. I know what kind of car they were in and I swear every vehicle that came around that corner was hers. I was seeing a million vans and I was hoping each one had her in it. About 15 minutes of waiting I saw a van nonchalantly pull up to the curb and stop. It sat there for what felt like forever but out stepped my SO. I Will never ever forget the moment she stepped out and adjusted her jacket and started to walk towards me. She was wearing a light green fleece jacket and jeans and her hair was pulled up into a ponytail. She was wearing the most amazing smile that I thought I would never see. I tried to walk casual but I could feel myself walking fast and taking long strides. After what felt like forever we hugged for the first time and just held each other for a few seconds. I remember leaning back and giving her two light kisses (her mother and son were in the car mind you). I'll never, ever forget that feeling because it's the same feeling I get when I kiss her every time. But that hug and those two kisses will forever be the moment in time that we started our lives together, even though we would only get 8 days together, for now.

    The moment we got in the car I saw the little man I'd been waiting to see for months. My SO's son held a special place in my heart before I met him but after this day I fell in love with him as well. He was everything I was expecting and then some. The next 8 days had so many firsts for he and I. The first hug and the first goodnight kiss on my cheek. Our first time playing cars together and eating dinner with him. Even though he can be a 2 year old, at the end of every minute I'm completely amazed by him. He really is a blessing and I want to be a good man in his life.

    I wish I could describe everything I felt while I was with my SO. It felt completely natural and it was so easy. There we so many times that something small would happen and my chest would get that funny painful feeling making it hard to breathe, hard to talk, in general she turned me into a love struck 10 year old pushing his sweetheart down in the playground. I know she was nervous because I mean, who wouldn't be??? I was DAMN nervous but after the first 10 minutes of just being next to her I knew we would be perfect together, and boy were we. We played everything by ear and spent a lot of time together but we also had our own space. Nothing felt planned or rushed or forced. I loved cooking dinner (WHEN SHE LET ME, I know she's going to read this) washing dishes next to her, making her coffee in the mornings and saying goodnight to her. Cuddling in bed watching the Walking Dead and Law & Order. Walking together to brunch at a little hometown diner, going grocery shopping, seeing a christmas light display with her son. Sitting on the couch and watching football and playing games on our phones together. God, it was such a wonderful week and I never wanted it to end. EVERYTHING I ever wanted out of a relationship I have finally found. I can truly say that her and I are a success story and I hope that everyone who reads this is as successful in being happy as we are. I truly feel blessed to have my SO and her son in my life.

    By far the hardest part was leaving her. I ended up having to take a taxi from her house to the airport. While I wanted to have her for that extra 45 minutes, I knew it would have been 10x harder so I guess I'm glad she stayed at home where she was more comfortable. We both cried quite a few times before the moment I had to leave. I hate that she cried because of me but at the same time she let me see a side of her and I showed her a side of myself that brought us even closer. We took advantage of every moment we had, cuddling and taking pictures together, laughing and maybe letting a few tears go. I tried so hard to not cry because I knew that it would make her cry as well, but sometimes I couldn't help it. The moment I kissed her goodbye and our hands separated she started crying and walking to her house and all we could do is wave goodbye. It destroyed me to say 'see you later' but I know we will be together very soon. I graduate in around 4 months and then we can start our lives as, I hope, a family.

    Thank you everyone. All of your own stories and your own advice, though we may not have asked but just read about it, has been an immense help to us both. Thank you everyone!

    To my SO, Ohaiclover. I know you'll read this and I just wanted to say I love you and I know we'll have all of this back again, very very soon. I love you beyond all words and emotions sweetheart.


    That's awesome to hear! 4 months isn't even too long of a time, I'm sure you'll make it through that easily! Congratulations on such an awesome first meeting!!


      Congrats sounds like a good first meeting!


        Thaaaaanksss! <3 I couldn't have asked for a better week of my life. Yea, 4 months isn't too much but a lot happens during those 4 months that I want to be a part of. It'll be hard but I'm hoping to make it out there for at least one of the occasions.



          First met: Jan 2013
          Started dating: 3/13/13


            Originally posted by Travey View Post
            Thaaaaanksss! <3 I couldn't have asked for a better week of my life. Yea, 4 months isn't too much but a lot happens during those 4 months that I want to be a part of. It'll be hard but I'm hoping to make it out there for at least one of the occasions.
            Yeah that's hard.. well hopefully you'll be able to make it out for at least one of them! And for the ones you can't, tell her to try and take pictures/video of the event and send them to you and you can skype/oovoo/video chat with her about it before and after hopefully to help you feel involved in the events.. and just focus on the fact that there will be many events and things you'll will be able to experience together soon and hopefully after these 4 months you never have to be apart again!!


              Aaah, so sweet! Reading this made me think of the first time I met my SO I'm glad everything went as well as it did and here's hoping the next 4 months will go flying by!


                Originally posted by squeeker View Post
                Yeah that's hard.. well hopefully you'll be able to make it out for at least one of them! And for the ones you can't, tell her to try and take pictures/video of the event and send them to you and you can skype/oovoo/video chat with her about it before and after hopefully to help you feel involved in the events.. and just focus on the fact that there will be many events and things you'll will be able to experience together soon and hopefully after these 4 months you never have to be apart again!!
                Yea. I mean it's Christmas and New Years and my SO's son's 2nd Birthday, my birthday....just so much stuff we want to share. I'm hoping to make it there for Christmas but most likely I'll be there for his 2nd Birthday.


                  Awwwwwww. Congrats on a successful first meet up!! I was smiling while reading your thread. I feel so bubbly inside when I read how happy others are whenever they get to be with their SO!


                    That me smile and laugh and cry all at the same time. I couldn't have asked for a better visit. Everything I wanted and then some


                      Originally posted by ohaiclover View Post
                      That me smile and laugh and cry all at the same time. I couldn't have asked for a better visit. Everything I wanted and then some
                      Our next visit will be even better sweetheart <3 I promise.

