We talk throughout the day with a free messaging app. It's pretty much on and off the whole day depending on how busy we both are. It's nice knowing what he's up to, makes me feel like I'am more a part of his day. We talk on web cam when we can, usually 2-4 times a week, and then it's usually between 1-3 hours each time. Still never ran out of things to talk about!
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How many hours do you spend with your SO weekly? Rant?
My SO and I tend to talk on Skype for about 2 hours, sometimes a bit less/more depending on when we get home and how much time we have. But we always text-talk on Viber as soon as we're both homeNo time zone or distance or anything can keep us apart
We don't skype or talk on the phone. 1.) Phone calls are too expensive internationally (I'm a poor student), and 2.) He doesn't have regular internet access at home. We use whatsapp and send pictures and messages and things, we'll only really talk on the phone if something really important is happening and one of us needs the comfort. We generally message everyday, but it can be anywhere from 5 minutes of "Sorry, I'm busy doing XYZ, talk tomorrow" or a couple of hours of messing around together.
It's ok, because we're not really phone or webcam people. And our schedules are so hit and miss, plus with the time difference, it'd be difficult for us to arrange a skype chat. Messaging means we can just pick it up when we're free. I think what helps us is being able to send photos and things - it makes us feel more involved in each others' lives. It also helps that we know people in each others' lives, so if I talk about my housemates, it's not like he doesn't have a clue as to who I'm talking about.
To be honest, I think that's the most important thing: feeling involved. If you don't feel like you're connected to her everyday life, no amount of talking is going to be enough.Last edited by Biddlybiddlybombop; November 30, 2012, 07:56 AM.
We talk on the phone for about one - two hours every night. Sometimes when one of us (read: he) is very tired, it'll be only half an hour, sometimes it's longer and when we go out or something else comes up, there are days when we don't talk, but they're thankfully very very rare.
♥ Być tam, zawsze tam, gdzie Ty. ♥
Hmm, it varies. We make some sort of contact every day, even at our most busy when it'll be just a text to say goodnight to one another. At the moment we have on average one hour per day to chat (text-based, that is... we go on webcam about once a week and never speak on the phone). When we were first getting to know each other we'd spend around 3-4 hours talking every day - sometimes even more! I kind of miss that sometimes, but I guess the decline was to be expected. Much more of our time is taken up by study and work now than it used to be
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During the week we talk on the phone maybe two days for a half hour each and skype maybe two other days for an hour or two each. and then on the weekend we could skype for 5 hours twice easily. so I'd say maybe 15 hours a week? but that doesnt include facebook chat which we do a lot of also.Whatever is meant to be will always find its way.
Originally posted by lademoiselle View PostHmm, it varies. We make some sort of contact every day, even at our most busy when it'll be just a text to say goodnight to one another. At the moment we have on average one hour per day to chat (text-based, that is... we go on webcam about once a week and never speak on the phone). When we were first getting to know each other we'd spend around 3-4 hours talking every day - sometimes even more! I kind of miss that sometimes, but I guess the decline was to be expected. Much more of our time is taken up by study and work now than it used to be
My SO's company allows him to work from home, so since I stay home caring for my son (he has a rare disease), we talk over Skype (typing) randomly through the day. That is Sunday, to Wednesday. Thursday to Saturday we might send a few text messages. Phone calls are rare even though we both live in the US, and he still hasn't gotten on webcam. :l
The last time me and my SO were apart we talked almost every day with few exceptions, we talked for at least an hour every day. Some days if one of us were busy we couldn't. But we would also send each other lots of facebook messages during the day if we were online and the other wasn't. Just little, "Hey I'm thinking of you" messages and I found those very helpful. It got me through the rough patches to see he had left me a little note. He didn't have a cell phone so texting wasn't an option but my facebook messages come to my phone so I would get them wherever I was. Very nice little surprises when I was at work or in class.
We talk pretty constantly, normally 3-4 times a day. Generally, we skype in the mornings when I'm getting ready, or super late at night if I'm still up doing homework (that's what happens more generally :P). We viber throughout the day, and he'll ring me in the evenings his time, or before he goes to bed. I have finals the next few weeks, and he's getting ready for his trip to come visit me, plus Christmas stuff, so I imagine our time won't be as much...actually, who am I kidding, we always talk. Unless one of us is hungover or the world has ended, we don't go more than 24 hours without some form of contact. I don't think I could stand that."I love thee to the depth, and breadth, and height my soul can reach..." ~Elizabeth Barrett Browning
Originally posted by Kristin91 View PostYou just need to talk to her and figure out what works for both of you. Sit down and have a conversation about how much time you need/want to spend on the phone/ skype.
I would communicate with her and see what she's able to offer you with her schedule. It sounds like you two get a fair amount of time, however, so I would also work on being grateful for what you actually do have. It's easy to make a LDR the focus of your life, but it isn't.Maybe she has more to juggle than you do, and you need to respect that.
It really depends on if my SO works or not. On the nights he works I have about 15 minutes of Skype with him before work if it is possible, otherwise we text (but not much). When he is off work and I don't have class we probably spend 8 hours on Skype.