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Update! SO and Basic Training

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    Update! SO and Basic Training

    Hey! Haha Long time no see, LFAD. :P

    I joined about three or so months ago but completely dropped off the radar a while back. I figured it would be an appropriate time for an update. ^^
    So my SO left for Basic Military training in the Air Force August 8th. He was originally supposed to come home October 10th, that being the day he graduated.
    But a few unexpected things have happened. He apparently has something wrong with his muscles, being too elastic I forget the scientific name- and that is normally an instant discharge from the military. He hurt his shoulder for them to find this out, and when he had two weeks left of Basic, he was stuck in the infermery and has been since then. About two months now.
    A lot of things have gone down with him, and we finally got the date he will be officially leaving the base and coming back home. The date was roughly three weeks and this was wxactly three weeks ago, so I am expecting him to contact me any day now.

    On top of that, he will be going home to Indiana for a week... And then coming here to California for two weeks to spend Christmas and New Year's with me and my family. This will be our very first official face to face meeting. I used to be super nervous and anxious like the girl I am, scared that him seeing me and way I am naturally might turn him off, but I have actually been growing out of it. I cleaned my room and have been doing little things to make myself feel better about myself and in the last letter I received from him, he spent two and a half pages talking about how much he misses me and just how he honestly sees me as an 'angel or a goddess.'
    While I think it is silly how someone as normal and average as me could appear as such in his eyes, it did a whole lot to calm my nerves about seeing him.
    I am so excited to see my SO that I can barely stand myself

    I kept every single letter I received from him over the time he was at Basic, and have 11, and he sent me a package about a month ago with his jacket and several other things. I will admit shamelessly that I sleep with it every night. >///<

    The only bad part about the situation is that my mom has been reacting VERY negatively and making my life a living hell as of late. She seems to go out of her way to put me down, and I know a big part of it is my relationship. I am just doing all I can and that is staying strong until I can talk to my SO regularly again, not just a few minutes on the phone once a week and letters every once in a while.
    It has been so godawful not having him so close, in a way, and not being able to talk to him, but I am staying strong for the final stretch. Any time any day now, I will have him back regularly again.
    ~Tell me every day that I get to wake up to that smile.~
    ~I wouldn't mind.~
    ~I wouldn' mind at all.~

    First Meeting:
    December 22nd

    ehlors danlos? is that what they diagnosed him with? Did he get to finish basic?
    Hope you hear from him soon
    everything happens for a reason. We may never find out what that reason is/was, but there is a reason.

