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Dreams and their influence on your relationship

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    I've read that dreaming about your partner breaking up with you could be insecurity working in your subconscience. I've had those dreams more time than I would like and would get sad about it, until my SO called me one morning because he had the same kind of dream about me and needed reassurance. LOL, now by no influence of my own, I've been having very detailed dreams about us getting married. Those always send my dopamine levels soaring, lol!


      So yes dreams.. I would love to be having wildly passionate dreams about my SO so I will be looking into that 'directed dreaming self hypnosis' stuff but .. I have ones where we go grocery shopping together - where he puts an item into the trolley and kisses me on the cheek saying 'I love you' then I do the same .. up and down the aisles we go. I mean really, WTH, where is the 'swinging from chandeliers' dream I ordered?
      Last edited by Čternity; July 21, 2010, 02:47 AM.


        Originally posted by Čternity View Post
        WTH, where is the 'swinging from chandeliers' dream I ordered?
        Oh SOOO funny!


          I always have dreams about my SO, usually every two days or so, i usually just have weird ones like last nights i cooked my friends pasta andf i didn't leave any for him and so i topped it up with this weird food duplicate spray but he realised and said i was being silly :P
          But then a few months ago, around christmas time actually, i had a dream about us being in my parents house and i knew he was there and he turned around and he was having sex with this dark haired girl, who later i realised was this girl i'd met once last october and had barely spoken to, and after that i was really paranoid and suspicious, but after i spoke to him it was all okay again.
          And then last year i had a dream that i woke up in my bed to my phone ringing, and it was him and he said he was in hospital and he only had a few hours to live, not enough time for me to go and see him and he died whilst i was on the phone to him, then i woke up in real life and i cried for ages, checking my phone a thousand times to see if it was real xD i have been so paranoid of something like that happening, and since then every now and then i will just have this wave of panic and have to phone him and check he hasn;t been hit by a car or anything.

          So, in answer to your question, I do think dreams can influence your feelings majorly, not in a way that could be bad for your relationship i.e., not fixable, but it can make you re-evaluate your situation and really cherish your SO's faithfulness and good health :P

          Your absence has not taught me how to be alone, it merely has shown that when together we cast a single shadow on the wall. ~ Doug Fetherling


            I have had a few dreams about Nick.


              I only have had a few dreams about Anthony that I actually remember. One was early on in the LDR....I was visiting my old high school for a football game and was saying hi to all my friends from marching band. I turn around, Anthony's there! It was the first time we'd seen each other since he left, he didn't tell me he was coming home because he wanted to surprise me. I jumped into his arms and we just held each other and kissed each other. It was such a realistic dream, I woke up and thought it actually happened. Then it hit me, I wouldn't see him for at least another month and a half or 2 months. Then, I just had a dream two nights ago that I was visiting him up at school. (Because I am on Friday!) In the dream, the weather was as accurate as he told me it is up there! Lol. But, I walked into his dorm, and just gave him the biggest hug and started kissing him. Then, the rest of the dream was me talking to his roommate, and for some reason my brother was there, and he was being a pain, so I just kept being really sarcastic to him and threw food at him lol (We get along in real life, too!)

              "Do I love you? My God, if your love were a grain of sand, mine would be a universe of beaches."

              Like a drum, my heart never stops beating for you.


                Ahh, dreams. I often dream about what I was last thinking about before I fall asleep. And since I fall asleep while on skype with my boyfriend, I end up dreaming about him a lot. I also sometimes sleep talk, and if he hasn't ended the call yet, he'll hear some of the nonsense I say, or even have a little conversation with me.

                Recently, he heard me say Okay, you can marry me now!
                He was like What? I can marry you now?
                And I said Yep!
                I know, embarrassing right? /:

                I've had dreams about us just hanging out, cuddling, everyday stuff I don't get to enjoy because of the distance. Those are nice to have. Then I also have those where we're fighting, where he's mean to me or mad at me. There have been a couple of times I've woken up and was seriously hurt because he was mean to me in a dream and he had to convince me that wasn't really him and that he wouldn't do such a thing. My dreams can be so weird sometimes. My most recent dream was of us in the 1800s or something, he lived in a giant victorian mansion and we were playing in a big green field under blue skies. Very pretty. We decided the dream was triggered by all the Studio Ghibli stuff I've been watching.

                He sometimes tells me he dreams of me, but never remembers what they're about, which is kinda frustrating for me.


                  Whenever I have a dream with Brandon in it, he's never actually there... We're always trying to reach him or get to him somehow but we never do... D: It's kind of depressing. Brandon doesn't remember any of his dreams.


                    I've started to dream about my boy more often than usual now and I really quite enjoy it. However, I don't let t really effect how I feel toward him in real life seeing as...dreams are dreams and what he does in them is just a product of my own imagination. If I dream about something bad between us it's based on the fact that things may be rocky between us in real life so I may feel upset, but only because the dream exemplified what I already knew what was wrong, not because I'm going to be blaming him for something he didn't even do. And when I dream particulalarly sweet dreams with him I've noticed because it's due to my already achingly missing him more than usual. My actions and moods persuade my dreams, not the other way around.


                      When I dream about my SO its that we got reunited and everything is fine..that we are happy being together again and I even dreamed about the future...I mean too far into the future like having kids and that sort of stuff...that scares me though.
                      But lately I dream about my ex-boyfriend, his family..and such things. That scares me even more..its like there is something like a bell ringing at high time before I want to move..Im so confused right now, I dont know what I should think about myself o.0


                        Originally posted by Zephii View Post
                        Generally Obi is in all my dreams, but as an inactive part. He's there in the same way I am, "standing" beside me but not always with an active part to play.
                        Not in all my dreams, but a lot of the time. I can't remember my dreams very often and I usually dream either really weird or really uneventful things - my subconsciousness is a horrible director!
                        But I have what you describe a lot. Like he's there, I see him, he's beside me but a lot of the time we don't even talk or he doesn't actually do anything or only very minor things like driving (even in my dreams I can't) or stuff.
                        There have been dreams where we talked together, obviously and the curious thing: I can never tell in which language. I think once I figured that he was talking in Polish and me in German - semicommunication, but that was the only time. Other than that I have no clue.

                        Być tam, zawsze tam, gdzie Ty.


                          I have a lot of dreams where I cheat on my BF. The other day I had a dream that his mother wouldn't let us be together. It's kind of hard to make sense of dreams, because dreams can be about the obvious symbolism or about the opposite.
                          ~"Happiness is not the absence of problems but the ability to deal with them"~


                            I have often had Rane mutilating me. He does some horrible horrible violent things.

