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***Hello to all My Friends an Update ***

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    ***Hello to all My Friends an Update ***

    To Everyone on the Forum including the leaders,

    I wanted to thank all of you for your encouragement and hope a couple of years ago. This forum has helped my wife and I start to realize our goals. We met online in January of 2010 and have been together ever since. After about a total of 1 year in time in an official LDR 3800 miles away we finally have gotten married. It was the greatest day of our lives. To everyone out there who is new to LDR or still in one, keep up the hope and faith and you will eventually find your happiness. I know it

    I hope this is the right place for this but I would like to post a link. It will help us a great deal. My wife's Mum had run into some severe problems after my wife's father passed away. We have been helping to support her for some time but recently have run into some severe problems of our own. If you all could take a gander at our page, you might be able to assist.

    Thanks again everyone and good luck in all of your LDR adventures.


    Clinton and Racheal

    Just wanted to say I'm sorry to hear that you're in such a difficult situation... Good luck getting everything back on track! I'm sure that this doesn't have to be a reason for you two to split up, like you suggest on the site.

