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Update. Julia And Ryan..

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    Update. Julia And Ryan..

    Alright. So. my LRD is coming to a close. In just a few days i will be leaving to go see my Ryan get off an airplane and go threw a welcome home ceremony in his ACU's and swell with pride. i cant say much more about dates though, i am sorry.

    After that, i am spending a week or so with him. we are going to Syracuse NY for a few nights before traveling back up to Drum. (there will be lots of pictures. )

    In late August or early September he is taking 2 weeks of leave so he can come down here and we can get married. Shortly after that, the distance will be over forever.

    hmm.. what else.. OH! i turned 18, so we can now show our engagement on FB, which has brought up a lot of problems with his mother.. but they are beginning to settle down now.

    My mother is upset that she cant come with me to the welcome home thing. but im still not letting her.

    well, im sure there is more, and as i remember ill tell you guys!

    ♥ you all! i miss you guys!


    That's awesome! Have a wonderful, wonderful time and DON'T think about us! LOL


      Enjoy your time together. I'm sorry to hear about your FMIL; I hope you guys are able to work something out, because in-law troubles can be a huge pain, depending on how close they are to their kids.

      Looking forward to the picture post!

      LFAD Book Challenge: 34/100 Complete


        I thought you two broke up? *confused*
        Happy for you though!


          Silviar, Ryan and his mother arent very close, where as, my mom is my best friend, so im glad that its his parents we have problems with.

          William, we broke up forever ago but decided it wasn't worth living without the other so we ended up back together. :P and its for the best, really. were stronger then ever now.

