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Still havent' met

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    So I'm getting ready to book the plane tickets which you would think would be SO exciting to meet for the first time BUT I'm panicked!

    Still not sure why you are panicked but, it will be wonderful to FINALLY meet. So, hurry up and get the ticket already.
    Dear God the only thing I ask of you
    Is to hold her when I'm not around
    When I'm much too far away
    -Avenged Sevenfold "Dear God"



      I can COMPLETELY relate to imagining things that that aren't there. After about six months of going from one side of the fence, that being enjoying him and everything I was discovering about him, to the other side, thinking he was MUCH too good to be real, I finally resolved to pick a side and stay with it, praying to God that I made the right choice. I think if he were too busy for me, he would not call/text/write me so many times a day.

      Ever seen those stereotypical, power-driven executives that work ceaselessly? That's him. He tells me he doesn't work for the money; he works for the authority. His company is worldwide, so business hours are around the clock. As I mentioned before, his thinking is non-stop, and he sleeps very little, sometimes not at all for days. He doesn't have time for cam. He has no life other than me outside of his work. No friends, not much time for the family he has left. I've been able to follow up on some of the things he has told me and they line up.

      I am so excited that you finally get to meet! I cannot imagine how that must feel. I think my heart would pound! So you will be here in TX??


        Happily my SO and I met pretty soon after we got to know each other, because we couldn't handle to stay away from each other - we wanted to meet as soon as possible. I guess it was only 2-3 month after we started to like each other really much. But to be honest, even if it wouldn't have worked, i would have waited for him. If you have the feeling he is the right person then the wait is definately worth it. And you will see, when you finally see him, it will be a unforgettable time! I guess it will be more intense, because you longed for eachother such a long time.
        Who knows, maybe he it will happen soon, you never know. <3 i wish you the best


          Me and my SO have been together for 7 months now and have yet to meet and we probably won't until at least November (11 months for us). It's tough. My arms ache like they miss holding him even though you never have and sometimes I wonder if this is ever going to end. But it's worth it. And one day the distance WILL end (hopefully, for my sanity) and we'll look back on this time and think it wasn't all that bad.

          I don't know what I'd do if we hadn't talked over web cam yet though. He really doesn't like cameras (really) and so it took him a while to get up the courage. But he loves it now (not the camera, just being able to see me). If I were you I would try to talk to him a little about the web cam thing. That's the only thing that seems worrisome.

          Good luck.
          First conversation 11.5.09 First meeting 11.7.10 Closed the distance 5.14.14 Married 6.14.14


            My situation is similar to 5000miles; We have been together for 8 months 2 weeks and several days and LDR the whole time. We are hoping to meet each other for the first time this December for the first time, which would be 1 year 1 month 3 weeks since we met.
            As for who visits next, closing the distance and well... anything which we face. Its all in our joint blog.

            The link is in my Signature.
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            "Distance between two hearts is not an obstacle...rather a beautiful reminder of just how strong true love can be." ~ Anonymous
            "Since love grows within you, so beauty grows. For love is the beauty of the soul." ~ St. Augustine
            "True love is rare, so when you find it don't let it go just because of a barrier you can't cross". ~ Ray H Wall

            Chris and Megan - November 3rd 2009- (Break from June 15- )July 18th 2011.


              I am in the same situation.. I have been with my SO for almost a year and a half and we still have yet to meet. We are finally in the planning stages though which we have never been in before and it looks like money wise I will be flying out in October, if everything goes according to plan. I've been sick of this not meeting for a LONG time! This not knowing when I would ever meet him really made me want to break it off and we did recently for a 2 days. Thank god it only lasted that long cuz it drove me nuts not being with him. If hes someone that you really want to be with then I say go for it and I wouldn't worry to much about what other people think just as long as your happy thats all that matters.
              He just gets me... <3


                My SO told me he wanted to fly out and meet me either at the end of this year or the start of next. I can't say I'm excited yet as he told me he wanted to fly out May of this year when we met last year. I was excited back then but started losing hope when he wouldn't bring up the subject for months until it was too late- telling me he was still new to his work and they wouldn't allow it. So I thought alright, that's fine. My family think it would be best if my SO would fly out from England to see me in Australia- to show his commitment to me, instead of me going over there first. I mean, I do see where my family are coming from, but I don't mind going to the UK first if that's what had to be. But since he's told me his plans of coming to Australia, which was last month, he has now stopped talking about it and when I talk about coming to see him in the UK, he perks up and wants to talk about me coming there, the places he'd take me and so on. I don't want to be a nagging girlfriend by asking him if he's still planning his trip to see me...but this morning as we had our routine chat on IM, we were discussing the "when we meet" and I said,"So are you still...planning?" but I guess I didn't make myself clear as he responded with,"Oh yes! I'm still looking up places we can stay,"...meaning in the UK. I was like..."Oh good," yet I didn't say,"No I meant planning to see me here in Aust,"'s still a wait and see.


                  me and my boyfrined will be meeting on our one year anniversary, which is a very long time indeed
                  i agree with others that he should get a webcam,
                  seeing my SO on cam makes me feel closer to him and miss him less., so pressure him into getting one
                  i hope you meet soon enough !

