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Need advice on how to get over him

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    Need advice on how to get over him

    Hi guys, am new on this.
    Here is a quick background on my LDR.
    I met my ex on a social networking site, we got to talking and one thing led to another. 6 months down the line we are saying the big 3 words to each other. We saw each other a few times, he lives in US and I in UK. A year goes by and the honeymoon period has died, we started arguing a lot, we would skip skyping and calling each other (we would leave our Skype on when were sleeping and eating so that's how close we used to be). And all of that disappeared, we became hostile to each other.
    So we decided to see each other for the last time, I was making the arrangements to come to the US. He then pronounces that he has been seeing someone (note we had not spoken properly for a few months), I was heart broken but in my mind I knew that he was. So being a stubborn revengeful person, I told him I was too. This turned into war of words, this went on for a few weeks till we completely stopped talking to each other for a good 6months.
    During those 6months I got with my current boyfriend. I thought I was moving on, but everyday I think about my ex, he texts me once in a while now saying that he misses me, and I miss him too.
    We are currently friends at the moment, but I'm not over him I am still in love with him. I know we can't be together again, a lot have been said during those arguments and also the fact we are both in relationships with other people.
    PLEASE HELP!!!!!

    ok, you need to do two things. 1) Break up with your current boyfriend because being in love with somebody else isn't fair to him 2) Stop talking to your EX! You're not going to get over him unless you stop talking to him. Block/delete him from everything.
    Made it official: 12-01-10
    First visit: 3-29-13/4-09-13
    Closed the distance: 07-31-13


      I agree with black, it is unfair on your current bf.

      Also delete your texts from him, delete his number, dont read his messages and dont respond, you cant get over someone when they keep saying they miss you.

      I think if you care about your current bf you wouldnt be thinking of your ex or talking to him. You need to be honest with your current bf and tell him how you feel.

      It takes time to get over an ex, often we think oh another person will fix it but they wont you will just end up hurting someone else as well as yourself


        I agree, stop talking to him, you wont ever get over him if you continue communication with him, especially if he keeps telling you how he misses you.

        As for the current SO, I don't think you should end it with him, but I do think you need to let him know how you feel about your ex and if he wants to continue the relationship after that, then take things slowly.
        " There is always hope.


          You probably don't miss him or your relationship so much as you miss the idea of him and what you could be if circumstances (you, the situation, etc.) were different, and talking to him where you only see the "good"/"I miss you" side is only going to perpetuate that fantasy. In the end, you have to accept that you two didn't work and you never will. Too much has been said and done, you'll have both changed too much, and there's too much hurt to ever consider picking up where you left off. It's dead to both of you and you both need to accept that, but you won't for as long as you continue igniting that fantasy in each other. My suggestion to you would be to cut off contact. No one's saying it has to be forever but it should be for the time being. Secondly, break up with your current boyfriend. Don't relationship hop to avoid dealing with the situation at hand. Break-ups suck, and sometimes they can be hell - we can all testify to that - but it's not fair to you or your current boyfriend to use him as you are, even if you originally felt you might have had feelings for him. Take some time to hurt, be angry, scream, cry, and be single. Take that time to heal. You aren't ever going to find a better and more fulfilling relationship if you don't take that time.

