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Ex-Boyfriend Probs...Not really, just felt like rambling.

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    Ex-Boyfriend Probs...Not really, just felt like rambling.

    My entire senior year of high school consisted of me being going on dates with random guys because I didn't want to go into college committed to anybody. (That worked out just great... :P) But I always saw this one guy consistently for the making out parts. When we first met in December, we went out for two weeks, but it just strengthened the fact that I wasn't a relationship person. So we broke up, and still kept in touch. But I went out with other guys for months. Finally in February, "make-out guy" and I started talking again and we hung out some more. It wasn't anything serious, we were just having fun. And our relationship was pretty on and off until I started going out with my SO, which made "make-out guy" and I's relationship totally and forever over.

    And when SO and I first started going out, I felt like our relationship would be over before it even started, just because I'm not a big relationship person. But surprisingly, it's lasted for almost seven months. (Which I am uber proud of! ) "Make-out guy" and I do keep in touch at times. Not frequently, just sometimes and they're normally small conversations. But over the last week, he's been telling me about how he's gonna go on a date with his manager. And I was just a little taken back. He was always there every time I dumped a guy, or got dumped by a guy.

    I'm not saying that I want to go out with him because I love SO and "make -out guy" was very clingy at times. I'm also not saying that I didn't think he'd move on, but it's just weird. Cause after SO and I started going out, I kinda just forgot about him, and it's weird hearing him talk about other girls. It's not bad, just weird. And I''m really really happy for him, but it's just weird. And I find it a little funny cause I'm so dumb for even being shocked by it.

    Like I said, I'm just rambling cause I felt like I needed to share my stupidity, haha. If you have similar stories, totally share! If not, you can totally laugh with me about the ordeal.

    First met: June 2012
    Became Committed: June 04, 2012
    Entered an LDR: July 01, 2012
    Next Visit: October 2013!


    Distance between two hearts is not an obstacle, rather a beautiful reminder of just how strong true love can be.

    Ha!! I had a sort of similar situation. There was this guy that I went to high school with, thought he was "the stuff", which he was, super sexy, quarter back of the football team, president of the senior class... Anyways, he was my weakness, and we made out a few times on occassion, nothing serious just two good friends having fun. Well now he has a baby, and when I found out his gf was pregnant I cried. Not because I wanted to be with him, because I love SO, but it was just weird that he was moving on to a different part of his life that I couldn't be a part of. I understand what you're saying.


      Right?! It's uber weird! I don't want to be apart of his life, but it's just weird!

      First met: June 2012
      Became Committed: June 04, 2012
      Entered an LDR: July 01, 2012
      Next Visit: October 2013!

      XXX XXX

      Distance between two hearts is not an obstacle, rather a beautiful reminder of just how strong true love can be.

