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World Traveling Lovers

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    World Traveling Lovers

    So it's my 2nd year of college and I thought that it would be a good time to study abroad and see the world while I had no other responsibilities. So I chose Australia and that's where it happened.

    They say true love happens in an instant and you automatically know. Well this wasn't the case. I met Sarah Jane Pearcey on a bus to the grocery store and found out that she lived in the same hall as me. So we got to know each other a little. One night we had all planned to go for into the city and got a cab together. I ended up sitting beside Sarah randomly and then it happened. It was that moment of absolute clarity, the moment when you know. She simply grabbed my hand, smiled, and followed with a playful wink.

    I found myself totally entranced by this girl. Something that I've never come close to feeling with someone. We were the same. Living the single life of partying and having fun, no commitment, no worries. (Except for the entranced part). She has told me several times now that I was being too keen haha (love her vocabulary).

    But nevertheless after a month of very confusing events. She made me ask her out one night while I was half asleep. I was a bit hesitant because she was from the UK and I was from America. We were inseparable at this point and did everything together. We traveled all around Australia and had the adventure of a lifetime. But....

    Then reality kicked in and the next thing I knew I was staring at two tail lights while the love of my life drove to the airport for her 3 months of travels. I left Australia two days later and every passing moment that I spent in that plane, I felt like I had forgotten something, like a piece was missing.

    I have now been back in the states for a month and things are still going great. We talk almost everyday and even get to Skype once a week or so. She will be in Australia for another 7 months come the turn of the new year. Then in July, is flying home to the UK. I am trying to plan a trip now to go see her but I am finding it extremely hard to work out. But I love this girl and no amount of distance is going to change that.

    I've come to realize now that true love isn't about being inseparable, its about being separated and nothing changing. So here's to true love and don't let distance be the reason you lose something some people go an entire lifetime without finding.

    *points at the whole post* THIS!

    I hope you guys will find time to see each other soon. I wish you all the luck in the world


      Welcome to LFAD! What a wonderful story, I really like the way you described it. Isn't it just the best feeling in the world to love someone that much? Well as you can see when you look around here, it's certainly possible to make long distance work. Just go for it! Visiting will take some saving and planning, but I really hope it works out for you two. And there's lots of advice and support around here, so that will help making it a little more bearable


        Awwww this absolutely made my morning! I'm so glad you guys are still doing wonderfully, and you can definitely go back to Australia, I just feel it! You have quite the writing style as well, and you should definitely show this to her.

        Congratulations, and welcome to LFAD!
        "I love thee to the depth, and breadth, and height my soul can reach..." ~Elizabeth Barrett Browning


          Made it official: 12-01-10
          First visit: 3-29-13/4-09-13
          Closed the distance: 07-31-13


            Welcome to LFAD! Hopefully you'll get to see her soon



              Welcome to LFAD, your story is so sweet. Me and my SO are also in a UK-US relationship, its hard but manageable. Best of wishes!
              I love you Nathan <3
              5/25/09 <3


                What a wonderful story! I also met my SO while on a study abroad. Best of luck to you two.

