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Crying and need advice :( or just to vent (might be a long story)

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    Crying and need advice :( or just to vent (might be a long story)

    So me and my SO have been together for a year and almost 5mnths. he's 23 im 20.. we love eachother very much we lived together for about a year and 2 months and have just recently started being long distance until we can afford our own place again. however, my SO has a baby with another girl, and i've never met his daughter but i have however had alot of arguments with his babymama over facebook and such... now the whole time me and him have been together he hasn't talked to his babymama or seen his daughter.. but now all of a sudden we are long distance and he "runs into her" while shes working.. it just so happens that she works with my bestfriend at target. and i guess my bestfriend walked outside and my SO was like "oh great now im going to be introuble for talking to you.. and his babymama says "no you wont i talk to her all the time she tells me all about your relationship.. i feel so betrayed and dont really have anyone else to vent to.:/ im happy he will see his daughter but am really uncomfortable with the contact with his babymama.. especially since im so far away.. but its not my place to tell him he cant see her since its kind of a package deal.. now when we started dating i snooped a little on his email and found out that while he was dating another girl.. for a while maybe 8 months or more.. he was still talking to his babymama about how he loved her and stuff.. and they are bestfriends and blah blah blah.. and even though his baby mama was engaged they were still sleeping together... i felt i had nothing to worry about before since she wasnt really in the picture other than the fb arguments over wanting to see my SO but now that im hearing that they ran into eachother and are making plans for him to visit with his kid.. idk what to think or how to so inlove with him but not sure i can handle this at all :'( im so torn. now they have exchanged numbers and im not around to know whats going to happen.
    im so upset i feel like i cant even explain the whole story right now i just need to talk to someone else about it!!

    You create your own worries when you start to snoop. You need to talk to him but ultimately if you can't trust then you don't have much of a relationship.

    He's with you, not her but it is a package deal with a kid involved. Either trust him...or don't.
    Three words. Fill my racing mind. Leave me breathless. Lost in time.
    Three words. Fill my endless dreams. Repair my heart. Mend the seams.
    Three words. Fill your heart too. Three words pronounced. I love you.


    You look in the mirror, you don't like what you see, don't believe it.
    Look in my eyes, I am the only mirror you're ever gonna need.

    Met online: 12/24/10 Met In Person: 2/24/11 Distance Closed: 4/24/11
    Not one regret, not one backwards look, only towards the future and beyond!


      Why didn't he see his kid before this? I'd be much more worried about THAT. Seems like there's a lot of childish drama going on here and both of you need to figure out what exactly you're doing here.

      Met online: 1/30/11
      Met in person: 5/30/12
      Second visit: 9/12/12
      Closed the distance: 1/26/13!!!


        i understand your worries perfectly,as i had somewhat same situation (without baby of course!).in this case you gotta talk straight ahead to him and dont be scared to admit that you are worried etc.but yes as was written above,trust is the key here.maybe he just feels guilty for disappearing from her life and thats why he is so active any case just talk to him.good luck!


          Why do you want to be with someone that won't see his child?


            Originally posted by digitalfever View Post
            Why do you want to be with someone that won't see his child?

            This so hard.

