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Navigating a new LDR with kid in mix and bad LDR history

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    Navigating a new LDR with kid in mix and bad LDR history

    In middle school (12 years ago) I meet him, about two year ago we started talking off and on every few months or so. he has asked me out muti times in the last few year and when we where in school. About a year ago he moved away for work (9 hours away) and about a week ago I agreed to go on a date with him. He is back home for Christmas and what's more then a date he wants LDR. I have had bad luck with LDR in the past. He also has a three year old son close to where I leave. I do like him and would like to see where this could go. Any thought on how to get more comfortable in this LDR with my bad history? Also with he's son here when he come up I will have to share that short time with him? Any ideas on kid friendly while not losing out on quality time with him?