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Personal problems x lack of communication

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    Personal problems x lack of communication

    I know my SO very well. He's usually caring and funny. but When he has a problem he closes himself from everything. BUT we are far away now. I have no idea what he's going through. All his silence or indifference while talking on phone is weird for me.
    Oh, yeah, Skype has been a pain, so I could not see him face for almost a week now, what makes it harder. Looking to somebody's eyes we know if something is wrong with you or it's external.
    So I asked him today , it's external.
    I feel sorry for him, but I wish he could remember of me once awhile during the day. We are far away and we don't know when we'll see each other again. Am I a such selfish?

    I don't think you're being selfish at all! You care about him and want to be there for him to talk to. That's very normal! I know a lot of guys have a hard time expressing their feelings and when things happen, they want to spend time alone to think or just have space. It sound to me like that's what your SO is doing. My best advice, is to just there for him as much as you can. I'm sure he'll talk to you once he's worked through whatever is going on and he'll appreciate that you didn't get all angry or upset because he was needing some space.
    Our love story:
    Attended the same high school 2004-2007
    Dated CD: June 2009-July 2010
    Reconnected: August 2012
    Began dating LD: November 2012
    Engaged! March 2014
    Closing the distance: December 2015


      Hmmmm..., I think there are two sides to this. There are people that like to be privy to their SO's problems and then there are people that shut down when they have problems. I think here you have to find a strategy that's works with your so. For now, I'd wait until he starts to become himself again and then bring up how you could be there for h during rough, stressful or difficult times. Then the next time employ his suggestions and see where the conversation goes. I think LD adds new stresses, hurdles and issues into the mix and learning how to "deal" with situations and work through them is a bit different.


        Thank you! It's very hard, but it's what I will do. I don't wanna make anything to mess my relationship when there's nothing wrong with we both. Thanks again!

