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    To say a little about myself, I am in the Military, early 20's and stationed on the east coast, while she resides on the west... And I just got home from taking some leave for the holidays and seeing her, but we had a rough patch.. when i was away she cheated on me, no no no she didn't have sex with someone, but it was a kiss.. and when i was on leave we talked about it some, and we are back together now, we slept together for the first time (in both senses) and I felt a really great bond with her as she awoken laying next to me.. So my real question is how can I just put all of my trust back into her that she won't do it again? She says she wants to move out here with me, and have a future with me, and I believe it I just want to have some advice on how exactly I can put my full trust in her again, any suggestions would help

    The only thing that you guys can do is give it time, maybe more communication. Its really hard to get trust back when its broken. Good luck.
    Made it official: 12-01-10
    First visit: 3-29-13/4-09-13
    Closed the distance: 07-31-13


      trust in a long distance relationship is huge...because you aren't there with each other...i trust my fiance'e with all my heart...there is no reason for me not to...and she trusts me...if trust is is hard to get that back i would think...especially in a ldr...i definitely don't wanna find out...and in 23 won't be ldr anymore...which i am incredibly excited about...time is the only thing i would think that could heal that damage...staying totally open with each other...we all make mistakes...we are human afterall...i guess i can understand having all those feelings inside of wanting to feel the touch...or kiss...and not being able to ...but you have to have control...and abstain...until you can be with that person...which i know can be hard...i am saving all mine for her...and will shower her with all that affection once she is here

