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Over analyzing?

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    Over analyzing?

    Hello, I am brand new to the forum. First let me tell you a little about me and my SO, we met on FB 7 months ago and we knew we were the one for each other the moment we met. We fell so madly in love with each other. He flew to meet me on July 2, 2012 and instantly we were comfortable with each other. We have been amazing together since day 1! We've spent countless hours texting, phone calls and skyping..we made plans back in October for me ad my daughter to move with him in November, long story short, it didn't happen then as he got "cold feet", so we postponed it. We get along just great and our communication is amazing! We both feel that our meeting happened for a reason we have such an amazing connection! We have had two fall outs with each other when both times we broke up saying we were done only to find ourselves right back with each other. Even when we were fighting, we were texting each other almost constantly! Well this last fight we had made us so much stronger in our relationship however just recently I feel he has distanced himself somewhat or either I'm over reacting. Recently he doesn't text me as often as he says he is just busy at work and I know he probably is. But I keep thinking in the beginning we texted constantly. Now he does call me and we skype pretty much every night but the lack of texting has bothered me. This is a man now that would text e just to say I'm the most beautiful woman in his world and he loves me. Or he would call me in the morning to tell me that. I guess I'm just finding it hard to believe that he texted a lot then and now it's different. He says it's just because he is busy and he is not one for texting, he loves real conversation. Two weeks ago he texted me saying how we have to make our plans for me to move there and this has to happen, there's no turning back, it's either we do it now or it's never going to happen, I agreed. So we skyped and he told me his plans were to come in March and pack me and my daughter and drive us to California. Very romantic, but I for whatever reason, feel its not gonna happen, I guess because of the first time. I asked him right out if something was troubling him that he needs to talk to me about and he said, no. I know that if there was, he would tell me, he has always been honest. Idk, I'm just feeling there is something not right with him. I hope I'm wrong. Is there others who has had these feelings too, please share. When I ask him or say how I feel, he says I always let my insecurity get in the way?

    I would say that your are over analyzing the whole him not texting you as often. My SO and I have been together for a year and a half. When we first were together we would talk everyday and text each other all day, then about 9-10 months into the relationship he kind of back off from texting but we still talked almost everyday. He may have just gotten comfortable with you and he may feel that he doesn't need to text you, but he still does call and talk to you so you should be very grateful for that. Just let it go and maybe one day he will go back to texting you- because that has just recently happened in my LDR and I love it!

    Be Patient


      My So was the same way. In the beginning, I'd get little texts just saying "good morning", now, I rarely get those, saying he doesn't like to text much (but he did in the beginning!!). We still talk everyday though. Someone mentioned the honeymoon phase. Its hard transitioning out of that.
      As the above poster said, be patient! And Good Luck!


        Thank you so much! That is just what I needed to hear!!! I thought I was but just wanted some input yes I def have to learn to be patient


          You guys are awesome! Thank you I just needed to hear this from others in my same situation, I feel more at ease, I love this man very much and guess I'm just afraid of him slipping away! THANK YOU!! I will be patient!

