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Is he not interested in me anymore..? I don't understand why :'(

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    Is he not interested in me anymore..? I don't understand why :'(

    ---- UPDATE ----

    So...I plucked up the courage to phone him to tell him Happy New Year this evening...and he didn't pick up XDD DOH!!!
    So i left a short sweet cheery message on his voicemail so he SHOULD get it and listen to it...
    Be kinda awkward if he didn't message/phone me back :/

    All i said was "hey [his name], its [my name]! Just wanted to surprise you and wish you a happy new year! Hope it will be a good one, though I'm sure it will be *giggles*. Just thought we could have a little banter and meet up sometime soon. Anyhow hope when you hear this message it makes you smile, hope to hear from you soon, bye!"

    So...he didn't reply back to my voicemail :/ Yup! And to top it off, I saw him today at work (just smiled and he smiled back lol)
    I actually spoke to a male friend of mine for advice, and I think he was right. He said maybe my one i like maybe is being distant from something i have done/said that maybe has made him think im weird or something lol my male friend who I asked for advice mentioned that from his side even he would be a little distant if a girl said something strange or something lol yet i have always been myself, polite and cheerful and all round nice lol i dont think i have ever seemed too eager or anything. But nevermind, now i am going to back off and be myself and acknowledge him and await for him to make the first moves lol

    When we were on dates, we have already made clear we are interested in each other, he said the feelings definitely mutual, that when we went to the cinema a few times he would have his arm around me, hold my hand and when he once saw my name doodled with his he smiled and kissed me. Now it is as though he isn’t interested in me anymore :/ I really don’t get it…

    ^__^ nevermind Tell me what you think lol thanks for reading!!

    RomanticAtHeart~ <3

    (Below is my original post so you know the background of the story)

    ---- ORIGINAL POST ----

    Hey Guys!
    First off - - I used to be in a LDR - which ended about 10 months ago now and I am moving on happy (last relationship lasted 3 years and it was my first relationship, my boyfriend at the time didn't want to continue the LDR so we split lol) but i am much happier now.

    I know this is kinda werid to post here because i am starting to date a guy who lives near me lol we are not in a LD so...this is just a general question really.
    To any that would like to answer thanks!

    Okie here I go;
    I met a guy from work (hes 23 and I am 22).
    Since October I liked him a lot (hes so funny, and to me attractive inside and outside ) when we first met I instantly liked him. After a while of off chances seeing each other at work we met up outside of work (i asked him )

    We met up and he was so pleased and happy to meet me, we enjoyed our meeting (coffee and stroll along the river). After that - every 2 weeks we would plan meeting up (i would ask him then he would ask me).

    Then one night we both confessed we both LIKE each other alot. He confessed he liked me when we first met and so did I

    Now, over christmas (he isnt a christmas sort of person) i realised he was abit down (like i say he says he and christmas dont get on - that it wasnt like it used to be as a kid with all the magic - and me being a very positive person respects that) so i tried my best to make him smile and he smiled back

    Getting back to my point - he texted me on the off chance before christmas (every couple of days - and would wait maybe an hour to answer back).
    Recently, I texted him to say hi and he didnt text back.
    So i waited 5 days and didnt hear back from him, so i thought i would text him and say hows things he texted saying he was good - but just not looking forward to xmas lol
    Christmas came, and i texted him boxing day - he didnt text back.

    Saw him at work today - he smiled and said hey but he seems a little distant - i think its with christmas - so i gave him a hug and it seemed to cheer him up.

    I texted him later tonight saying it was good to see him and that i missed him (as in the past we used to text that we missed each other and he would say he missed me too.)

    Now...I just dont know if he is just sad about christmas, or if he is ignoring me. Though, it is not likely he would do that - as he clearly as told me he likes me alot, we have kissed couple times now as we have been on about 4 dates/outings.

    Is personality is quite shy - a romantic at heart like me and has confessed hes shy at making the first move. So i dont know if he isnt texting me back because he wants me to chase him or...i dont know if i am to wait until he chases me (which is what i tried to do when i waited 5 days before texting him)..

    I REALLY like him alot - and hope that in the next outings i get confident and find the right moment to ask him out - if we get back on track.

    Do you think he likes me? And if so, do you think i should hold back on texting / waiting until he texts however long it may be? But i am afraid if i hold out too long he will think i have no longer interest in him lol...i just dont wanna seem..clingy? lol

    Thanks for reading this xD i do appreciate your comments thank you!

    By RomanticAtHeart~ <3

    Maybe after going on a few dates with you he realized you weren't right for him. I don't think you'll get a reason why, but sometimes thats just the way it happens. Not all relationships go long term, maybe he wasn't looking for anything serious. I suggest you move on. Luckily you didn't invest too much time into him.


      I agree with snow_girl. It definitely seems like your SO has become disinterested in the relationship. You should just move on from him.

