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What to do when you get kicked out?

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    What to do when you get kicked out?

    I need some advice in what to do, LDR-wise, when the possibility of getting kicked out occurs. I can't divulge too much into what's going on, but conflict is happening and there is the threat of being kicked out looming over my head. My mom has kicked out my sister at 19/20 years old before so it's not like she's not being serious.

    The problem lies in that, during the time I'm looking for a place to stay, my phone doesn't send over international calls, so it's like i can get texts and calls from my bf, but I can't text or call him back. I'm wondering if there is any way I could keep at least a small contact with my bf since I would presume that I would not have any internet. Or am I wrong? Advice?

    Libraries almost always have free internet. Also Mac stores.


      Originally posted by lucybelle View Post
      Libraries almost always have free internet. Also Mac stores.
      Going off of this, there are different websites and stuff that you can use to send text messages internationally... I don't know of them personally but I know there have been other posts about them!



        If you have a laptop, Starbucks has free wifi. So does McDonalds, some Paneras (if not all...). Actually, I think most fast food type places these days have free wifi (there's usually a sign on the door, and if there's not, just ask. )

        Like lucybelle said, libraries have free internet (and computers!) but some (okay, most) require you to have a library card. Which, as long as you can prove your residency of that county, you can get (also for free). If you don't have one yet and you think this is a serious possibility, get one now. If you can't get a card, though, I've found that if you talk to a librarian and say you're visiting, and then ask if you can get online they'll usually let you online for 30 minutes or so.

        2016 Goal: Buy a house.
        Progress: Complete!

        2017 Goal: Pay off credit card debt
        Progress: Working on it.


          If you have a laptop, I believe Google Chrome has an extension for GMail offline, so you don't have to connect to the internet to receive and send emails. I've never used it though, so I don't know how reliable it it. And like other's said, libraries have computers with internet that you can use. But if you don't have a card, you might need your mom to sign for you. It's not like that everywhere, but at my local library, you have to have a parent sign your application if you're under 18, and it costs $2.
          "You let me in your heart and out of my head."

