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Perhaps I am reading into things too much, I could use an outside opinion.

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    Perhaps I am reading into things too much, I could use an outside opinion.

    Hello, this is my first post! I'd like to to give everyone a bit of background facts:

    - I'm 26, he's 29.
    - He lives in Boston, I live in Kentucky. We met via a mutual friend back in August.
    - He is in a band that is doing very well for themselves (won a Billboard award last year, a couple of VMAs and just had a song placed in an international ad for Samsung coming out very soon) so he is very busy, but always makes time to talk/text/skype me whenever. No one in the band is into sleeping around/drugs (besides pot) or groupies and all are in committed relationships, so that isn't my worry at all.
    - He's visited me a few times, I've visited him a few times.

    It used to be that we would chat for hours every single day, then call each other for hours afterward. This was, of course, at the start of the relationship so it is to be expected that we can not maintain that level of steam. He still is often first to initiate conversation, wish me good morning or tell me about his day (I try not to IM him first because I don't want to seem like I am pestering him). During his recent West Coast tour over NYE we still chatted, he called me from the beach to hear the ocean, called each other at midnight on NYE, etc. When he came back he was attentive, he always has been.

    However, tonight we got into a discussion about my next trip to Boston. During our last skype conversation on Tuesday he told me to hold off on buying a ticket because he is unsure of when he will be fully available.

    Tonight I brought it up again since I work a job where I have to report to a boss and give them notice. During our conversation I tried to figure out dates, and he said I should push it back to beginning of Feburary and I should shorten it to 4-5 days instead of 6-7 like usual because they are about to start being extremely busy with touring, logistics of touring and meetings and all kinds of things (when I pointed out that this means it will be nearly two months from our last visit he suggested I pick a closer date). He said I should plan for the weekend because he will be home. However, what raised my alarms was his request to stay for only 4-5 days instead of my usual 6 because he felt like last time I was here he needed a bit of space because "being with someone 24/7 no more than 10 feet from someone for 6 days is intense". I was kind of hurt by that, considering he was all over me during that week and it had been the first time we'd seen each other since five weeks. I know he is a loner who is used to being on his own a lot, as am I. I told him he could have told me he needed some me time and I would understand and go out to find something to do for a few hours. It wasn't so much the fact that he felt like he needed some alone time that hurt, but the fact he couldn't tell me.

    So anyway, our conversation progressed and I asked if he still thinks me moving to Boston in May is a good idea. He said "I honestly don't know. I'd like you to but a billion things could happen between now and then...we may want to be married by then, we may hate eachother, I might run off and join a circus...I have no idea. You know I am bad at long term planning, and even more so with all the added pressures from this up coming tour schedule." He has always told me he is terrible at long term planning and usually never does it because his life is always up in the air, so that isn't any change. I told him I have one goal right now and that is to save up enough money so I can move to Boston and find my own place (he originally wanted us to live together but I said no), have a cushion until I find a job and get set up. He said he liked my plan.

    Afterward I was feeling very insecure and asked him if he still loved me (which was stupid on my part). He said yes, of course. It was then I sort of broke out my fears that I am not good enough for him and that he is going to realize that: I work at a dry cleaner for minimum wage, and about to pick up a night job so I can save money faster to be closer to him (he knows this), I told him I'm not a model, or a socialite, or some rich daddy's girl who travels the world with a glamorous life... you know, the kinds of girls who should be dating rockstars. He then told me that he is worried he is not good enough for me, and I will get sick of him because he is a recluse who is not very good at maintaining relationships with anyone, be it work, family or girls and doesn't work very hard at maintaining relationships, he's had two real relationships and both ended badly because he thinks he is very bad at being a good boyfriend. He's worried I will get sick of him and just leave.

    He knows I am very low maintenance and likes that a lot. I told him ultimately I want us to be happy, and he said "I think we are".

    He then said he really wants to come out to my homestate and see where I lived, grew up, etc. He's mentioned it before, but said so again after our conversation.

    So, should I start coming up with a back-up plan or progress on?

    hi there and welcome to the forum

    some people who are together all the time feel insecure. we are in LDRs, insecurities are a normal part of this! so please don't feel like you're being stupid. i've asked the same thing countless times. lol :P

    i've been in a LDR for over 2 years, and i always had a 'back-up plan'. not because i didn't have faith in my relationship, but simply because i'm the sort of person who needs to have a 'safety net'. at times, relationships don't work out and having been through a lot prior to my current relationship, i developed this 'safety net' attitude.

    however, that being said, despite having a back-up plan, i still gave a 100% of myself in my relationship and loved him with all of my heart. i put myself out there completely.

    the 'back-up plan' got completely scratched when we got married in September of last year

    so, what i'm saying is, if having a back-up plan gives you some peace of mind, then sketch one out. but doesn't mean you can't progress with what you have right now and see where it takes you


      My SO sounds like this. He doesn't like making long term plans and that's just how he is. He seems to just plan things day by day. That being said we are buying a Wii together in a couple weeks for a 4 yr anniversary! haha, it'll be our first shared thing :P Slowly but surely, one day, it might also be a flat, but we're starting off small because of the time of life that we're in, we know the future is uncertain and therefore we're not making long term plans yet.

      I'm one of those people that doesn't like taking risks so I always have a back up plan, but it doesn't mean you cant go forward.
      Si tu n'etais pas la
      Comment pourrais-je vivre
      Je ne connaitrais pas
      Ce bonheur qui m'enivre
      Quand je suis dans tes bras
      Mon coeur joyeux se livre
      Comment pourrais-je vivre
      Si tu n'etais pas la

      Love that will not betray you, dismay or enslave you. It will set you free.
      Home could be anywhere when I am holding you



        Thanks for the advice. I guess it is nice to know that I am not the only one with an SO who is not very much a planner. I joined this site so I will stop being so over analytic Or possibly projecting negativity and insecurity, which could drive him away.

        It is nice to know that there does not seem to be any issues according to outside opinions. I will try to have more faith in him and us. Of course, I will keep a backup plan.


          LDRs have ups and downs like any normal relationship, except we've gotta deal with the distance as well, which makes it twice/thrice as hard.
          LFAD forum IS the best place to come to seek reassurance and advice. i've only been around for a few days but it's been such a relief realising that i'm not the only going through this emotional rollercoaster. so, i wish you the best of luck and hope things work out for you


            I just wish he wouldn't feel like he is not good enough for me. That makes me feel really bad, as he is such a wonderful person. I feel like I am not good enough for him though! I do not want that to hurt our relationship.


              yes, you mentioned this in your first post as well and i'm sorry i forgot to respond to this specifically.

              from what you described of yourself (your work, taking up another job etc etc), well, if anything, i am impressed by you. you are saying those things make you 'not good enough' but what i'm hearing is, what a strong, hard-working, person you are. determined and full of faith and love!
              stop being so hard on yourself, you are full of amazing qualities and you are driven by love, that makes you a wonderful person. a job is a job and does not define who we are. jobs pay the bills also, if he had a problem with your job or way of life, he wouldn't be with you, right? (and if he DID have a problem... then you would've known he is definitely not good enough for you! lol) but he obviously doesn't have a problem with any of it there are more than enough models and socialites out there. you have heart and that's most probably what he is able to see

              as for him and being a recluse/past relationships that have failed... well, those relationships most probably failed because those girls weren't right for him and vice versa.

              it takes two people in love and who WANT to make it work, for things to work. if you guys are right for each other and keep working at it and wanting it, you'll work things out eventually. even if it's hard along the way.

              so, you've gotta stop thinking you're not good enough for him. and when he says he's not good enough for you, reassure him. speaking from personal experience, coz he defines himself as a 'recluse' etc ... you might have to be more patient and understanding than usually expected. adjust and compromise a little... in time, you guys will figure each other out.

              are you still planning on going to visit??


                I don't really have much advice, that hasn't already been given, so I just want to say welcome to the forum! .. and I'm curious as to what band we're talking about here but I'm not going to ask. XD
                "Babe, I'm totally murdering everyone in this building right now! ... You would be so proud of me."
                This. This is only one of the reasons that I love this man. XD

                "I'll surrender up my heart and swap it for yours."
                Por siempre, mi amor. ♥


                  Haha, I'd rather not say which band as I do not want him to know I am posting about this.

                  I told him that he is absolutely wonderful and makes our relationship feel effortless on his end (which is true). I feel like I am constantly shooting us in the foot because he probably doesn't feel very good with me doubting his love all the time. Very unusually he's not talked to me at all today, even though he's been online a few times. I hope I didn't screw something up for good (he was pretty talkative yesterday and kept me in the loop even when he was busy).

                  Yes, I am still planning on seeing him and he wants to come to Kentucky, but I know with his schedule its hard for him to plan a trip anywhere.


                    Hi welcome to the forum! Just a quick comment on the whole being good enough for each other business... I really don't think it has anyplace in a healthy relationship. It's not about bring better than each other or not worthy. Neither of these are good emotions to have. It's about being happy as a pair. Mutually benefiting and enhancing each others lives. You can be in awe of him and apprieciate him but feeling like he's better than you and deserves 'better' kinda makes me sad, no one should feel like that in a relationship!


                      as long as you guys keep trying, you'll meet up eventually, even if it takes some time getting there. hmm, i know what you mean re: the doubts etc. i know it's really hard to do this... but try subtracting the doubts from the relationship and infusing more positivism. and think happy thoughts. sometimes when i find myself worrying about something regarding our LDR, i consciously STOP myself and then think a happy thought about my SO and our life together. more often than not, it helps!


                        Originally posted by Hyacinth View Post
                        as long as you guys keep trying, you'll meet up eventually, even if it takes some time getting there. hmm, i know what you mean re: the doubts etc. i know it's really hard to do this... but try subtracting the doubts from the relationship and infusing more positivism. and think happy thoughts. sometimes when i find myself worrying about something regarding our LDR, i consciously STOP myself and then think a happy thought about my SO and our life together. more often than not, it helps!
                        He's being weird, though. He's suddenly not very talkative on IM/taking a long time to reply. Like, he will message me, I will message him immediately then he will take hours to respond. He's never done that before, and it started after our conversation about us not being good enough for each other. Interestingly, he was very talkative on Skype last night, but I was feeling ill and asked if I could talk to him so I would feel better (and he said of course). I wonder if I did something wrong...

                        Originally posted by redapple View Post
                        Hi welcome to the forum! Just a quick comment on the whole being good enough for each other business... I really don't think it has anyplace in a healthy relationship. It's not about bring better than each other or not worthy. Neither of these are good emotions to have. It's about being happy as a pair. Mutually benefiting and enhancing each others lives. You can be in awe of him and apprieciate him but feeling like he's better than you and deserves 'better' kinda makes me sad, no one should feel like that in a relationship!
                        Yeah, I know what you mean. In the last two years I've had three pretty crappy relationships so I am on edge and feel like I am not good enough to be with for more than a few months.

