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How to keep up with the "lack" of talk?

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    How to keep up with the "lack" of talk?

    let's see...
    first let me start off saying that this is my first "true" post around here haha
    I've been around for a bit but haven't really posted anything so here goes nothing!

    now, onto the topic;
    I'll be completely honest here. I miss my SO like crazy. I literally have her on my mind all the time.
    we started dating officially on December 24/25th (we're both 21 btw). She's from the Philippines and I'm in Chile (quite the distance, don't you think?)
    I told her how I felt while she had winter breaks (around 2 weeks) so we really got to talk a lot on those days, literally everyday, but now that she went back to her studies (she lives at the dorms) on January 6th, it's been really hard for us to keep up with the lack of communication. I mean, she comes back home every weekend unless she's got some exams to study for which happened this time.

    now, problem is, she doesn't have internet at the dorms there, and she can't just leave to go to a cyber cafe, which is far away from her.
    and yes, we do talk on the phone occasionally, but it's way to expensive for us to do it frequently so it only happens once a week at best.
    next, Text messaging. my messages do arrive, but when she tries to send any, they just wont get through.
    so all of that contributes for us to only be able to talk on weekends when she get's back home and sometimes once a week through the phone.

    what can I do to help and make it easier to withstand the lack of conversations/communication?
    I really hope you guys could help us here!

    I've never had to overcome these communication obstacles, so I'm not entirely sure how to best deal with it. My advice is to write, though. When I first met my SO, he was extremely busy with school and work, and I was very bored. I was in school but taking easy classes I needed for credits to get my diploma. So I was bored a lot. And I wanted to talk way more than he had time for. So what I found was that I could write to him whenever I wanted. I kept a journal with me all the time and wrote him about everything. I wrote about how my day was going, how I felt about him, just anything I wanted to tell him. I'd just write it. After a few months, I gave it to him as a gift. You could do it differently and mail it to each other more frequently so that you could more easily keep up with each other's daily activities and thoughts.

    Other than that, maybe try to keep yourself busy. Most of us here think it's the best defense for being lonely. It can help. So keep busy, hang out with friends. Just try to keep yourself focused on something all the time because if you aren't thinking about anything, you'll be focusing on how sad you are.
    Met online: Nov 2010 - Met in person: Nov 20, 2010
    Closed the distance: April 27, 2011
    Accepted to PhD program 200 miles away: March 2012
    LD again: July 24, 2012
    Left School and Closed the Distance for good: March 8, 2013
    Married: November 1, 2014
    Started job 200 miles away: February 23, 2015


      Maybe you guys could write love letters every now and then?
      Made it official: 12-01-10
      First visit: 3-29-13/4-09-13
      Closed the distance: 07-31-13


        letters! paper letters.say,arrange every weekend when you gonna send them,so at least the waiting time will be less hard because both of you would be expecting letters to arrive


          all that's been suggested above! ^_^ revert to old school and write to each other the anticipation of receiving that next letter and the joy of writing one out and posting it.


            It's never easy I have to say, I'm the same mate, I'm literally always thinking of her and what we can do together, then there's the money, she doesn't get paid much and has to provide for her family so I'm saving all the money, lot of overtime, we call each other, I was lucky to find a sim card here in the UK that lets me calls Thailand 3p / minute on pay as you go, so despite the 7 hour difference we talk at least once a day, even at 3p/minute the cost mounts up when we talk for hours lol, anyway, have you seen if there's a simcard like this available for you? Mines called an international sim card.

            I can never occupy my mind for long when I'm not talking to her to be honest, I know she's waiting faithfully for me and me for her, just takes time, do you plan on seeing her anytime soon? That'll help of course!

            "Buddha made you for me" - My SO

            1st Met/Visit: Nov 2012 - Thailand
            2nd Visit: May 2013 - Thailand
            3rd Visit: Jun 2013 - Thailand
            4th Visit: Sep 2013 - Thailand
            5th Visit: Sep 2013 - Jan 2014 - UK
            6th Visit: Apr 2014 - Thailand - Marry
            7th Visit: Sept 14th 2014 - Thailand - Wedding Ceremony / Party
            Close the distance - Sept 21st 2014 - UK
            UK Wedding Party: November 8th 2014


              I would go with writing, postcards are cheap to buy and send you could find different ones of your area to send her. Or if there is an animal she likes then send her different cards with that animal on them.


                thanks guys! guess I'll tell her about the ideas you gave me with her next time we talk!
                it's really nice to see the support I get here, even from the start!

                Matt: I don't have those here in Chile, but since i'll be moving to Denmark to study around late June I did some research and found two sim cards that let me call to the philippines really cheaply (compared to others) so that's one thing I'm looking forward a lot, but there's still 6 months to go.
                also once I'm there, I'm planning to save up somehow as much as I can and go to see her (can't right now since I'm saving for the tickets, accommodations, etc as I'll be there by myself)

                Kacie: that's another good idea! I'll definitely consider it!


                  Mhnm... Due the timezones I'm hardly able to talk with my SO during the weekdays as well. Usually just a small message before sleeping, so I feel your pain.
                  As mentioned before, you could try to send letters! Its a really cute and romantic way to keep in touch with each other. Also, emailing is something you could try. Even if your SO isn't able to reply right away due the lack of internet at the place she lives.
                  Does she have an android/apple phone? Or one with an internet subscription? It's expensive, but on the other hand, probably cheaper then calling each other and texting each other with a regular phone. There are many applications that allows you to call and text for free.

                  I wish you guys the best of luck <3
                  You used to be much more..."muchier." You've lost your muchness


                    Originally posted by Mellow View Post
                    Mhnm... Due the timezones I'm hardly able to talk with my SO during the weekdays as well. Usually just a small message before sleeping, so I feel your pain.
                    As mentioned before, you could try to send letters! Its a really cute and romantic way to keep in touch with each other. Also, emailing is something you could try. Even if your SO isn't able to reply right away due the lack of internet at the place she lives.
                    Does she have an android/apple phone? Or one with an internet subscription? It's expensive, but on the other hand, probably cheaper then calling each other and texting each other with a regular phone. There are many applications that allows you to call and text for free.

                    I wish you guys the best of luck <3
                    I'd love to actually write emails and stuff but thing is... they'd end up taking around a month to arrive there, so I don't think it's a good way to keep in touch unless as an awesome extra :P
                    now, emails is something that we could try for sure. it'll be slow, but nice haha
                    and for the phone part, nope, no Andoid/Apple nor internet subscription either. I would've already tried that already haha

                    thanks! good luck to you guys too


                      Write to each other.

                      There was a time I was very poor, I had no money for the internet and this was in the days before free wi-fi at Macdonalds. Couldn't phone or text either - too expensive. But I could write. I found an old notebook and wrote to him every day - several times a day sometimes! And he had a book too - he would also write frequently, on breaks at work, on public transit, even when he was on holiday. It was like we were with each other. When the books became full, we swapped them. I'd save up the money (usually about $10) and ship my book to him. It would take two weeks to get there, but the fact we were reading old news didn't matter - because we were in contact.We knew what was going on in each other's lives. And then, when we did get a moment to speak, on a borrowed phone or whatever, we could spend that time enjoying each other's voices and being sweet, rather than trying to catch up..

                      We continued to do it, even after I got the net, because the time difference ment it was hard to catch up with each other outside of school/work hours. A huge portion of our relationship is on paper, and we cherish it.

                      So write to each other. If Elizabeth Barret Browning could do it in medieval times, why can't we?
                      Happily married to the little Canadian boy I never thought I'd meet in person


                        Haha, I just noticed that you're from the same country as my SO! =D

                        I totally sympathize with the problem of the letters taking a WHILE to arrive. While I study in Portugal I'm actually from Macau and I always spend my Summer and Xmas holidays there. This year in early January I sent my SO a package from Macau (which is 11630 miles away from Chile) through mail. It's been almost a month now and nothing. =( I'm worried and sad because it was the first time I sent something to my SO through mail and I was really looking forward to exchange letters. I used to do it in my previous LDR and we had no problems with letters or packages so I'm surprised it's taking this long... After this, I don't know if I want to try sending more things, even though I LOVE sending and receiving letters.

                        I suggest to write e-mails to each other instead. Your SO will probably only see them in the weekends but it's at least much quicker than letters. And if you want to make it look like letters or have them look original, you can always try something different and creative. ;P I tried sending e-mails to my SO once but it's a bad thing he doesn't pay much attention to his e-mail inbox. XP But I can talk to him everyday so it's not like it's a that much of a big deal to me. =)

                        Good luck and hope you can find more ways to contact your SO!

                        Looking for the future...

                        First Meeting: March 20 2016
                        Got separated: August 2016
                        Reunion: July 2017
                        Officially together: January 2018
                        ... And many meetings later ...

