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what on your SO annoys you?

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    What annoys me most is that he is very slow! I'm very impulsive, and if I say: let's go to paris, I actually want to hop on the train to Paris. But he wants to take things easy, think about it...etc. Same in a store: where I quickly run by everything I need, it takes forever when he does is. Try to live with it, but when I'm in big need for my cookie (bloodsugar problem), I tend to get quite moody with him...


      Sheer Laziness!!! I'm lazy in my own right but my SO takes it to a whole other level sometimes. Like yesterday it had snowed and instead of shoveling the snow so he could get up the driveway he just pulled in as far as his car would take him and then left again. So me and his mother ended up shoveling the driveway instead....His pot smoking used to annoy me but he's slowed down a lot since school started. Oh and he has this ridiculous need to stick his finger up my nose or my belly button, bc he knows it irritates me. He forgets to tell me things until the absolute last second...that's really irritating. His anger gets the better of him sometimes and I kinda just don't like to deal with him when he hits the wall like that. Oh and hes a guy and does his inconsiderate things like, go on skype to play minecraft with his friends while i'm sitting in the room. BUT THE MOST ANNOYING THING OF ALL! He never EVER remembers to introduce me to people! He just starts talking and i'm standing there waiting for an introduction that never comes. His sister actually did it for him a few days ago lol.

      BUT! Despite all these things, I love him to peices. =)
      "You want for myself
      You get me like no one else
      I am beautiful with you

      I am beautiful with you
      Even in the darkest part of me
      I am beautiful with you
      Make it feel the way it's supposed to be
      You're here with me
      Just show me this and I'll believe
      I am beautiful with you"



        My biggest pet peeve that he does now, well has always done, he doesn't think before he speaks or acts. I keep telling him he has a big mouth, and it's going to get him in trouble one day, and not everything needs a response.
        Makes my heart feel better a tiny bit.


          Originally posted by Irina_Linn View Post
          his sensitivity!! as i posted in my threads before,he takes everything too close to heart and shows much more emotions than myself.since i was brought up in a family with military dad and very strict mom,i totally dont understand that but well...maybe i am too agressive lol
          This. It really throws me off when he's so sensitive. I just don't understand it.


            Originally posted by littlekakau View Post
            I know the feeling of silent mode. I hate it. Mine does when has a problem.
            Yeah same here I just keep trying to call him lol bt he answers only when he is out of silent mode which takes minimum three days.


              His sleep schedule, it used to be that he would go to bed around 2am, which was fine, but now he's not going til 4/5am, then sleeping all day so I barely get to talk to him.


                I wish I could close the distance like this. My SO and I have known each other since June 14, 2010, and been together since Feb. 1st officially, but actually longer then that :P. We haven't even met for our first time yet. <3
                Us: Saleana & Jason
                Location: S.C, USA & Newcastle, England
                Ages: 18 & 19
                Met Online: June 14, 2010
                His Feelings Started for me: June 14, 2010
                My Feelings Started for him: July 6, 2010
                First "I love you": January 17, 2012
                "Officially together": February 1, 2012
                Met First Time: HOPEFULLY March 14, 2013 (already booked the flight)
                Closing the distance: No Idea


                  Someone already mentioned this, BUT all the information diversion! Like he just takes forever to get to the point. But to be fair, I can be like that too... What makes it bad is that he will just start talking and talking and talking and I'm trying to get a word in, but I can't. I am a lot less of a talker. So when I have something to say and he just doesn't let me, it's REALLY frustrating. He also interrupts a lot. And not accidentally. Like he will just start talking and not stop and force you to stop your thought for his. And I do really bad with being interrupted. But I take it in stride.

                  He also loses sense of time easily. When I tell him I would like him to call around 11pm, he's usually good about it, but sometimes he gets so caught up in what he's doing, he calls like fourty minutes later. It's a big thing because I need to go to sleep earlier since I need to be up earlier the next day.

                  But in the end, I just find myself sighing and then laughing it off.


                    He can be so fucking stubborn sometimes!!! And he is the worst person ever at time management. It's so hard to deal with him sometimes because he is so busy and can't balance two things at once, so usually I am pushed to the side which is understandable because his schoolwork has to come first. But still, just one text to say that he hasn't totally forgotten about me? =P Lol I give him so much crap about it sometimes. But it aggravates me too. I wish he could change it but he is who he is and I am accepting that. I wish I would've known some of this stuff 14 years ago when we first met but I guess as 7 year olds those things don't dawn on you. All we were thinking about was toys and McDonald's chicken nuggets. xD

                    "Do I love you? My God, if your love were a grain of sand, mine would be a universe of beaches."

                    Like a drum, my heart never stops beating for you.


                      It's already been mentioned, but my SO has terrible sleeping patterns!!! GEEZ! Like, it's really frustrated me at times lol. I'm an early bird, that's probably why. Even if I go to sleep at 3, I'll wake up at 8 or something crazy, I dunno. :P And he will go to sleep at 3 and won't wake up until 1. It drives me nuts! I sit around waiting for him to wake up all the time LOL! Love him to death though xD. jaja!


                        Originally posted by Dziubka View Post
                        Sometimes when he tries to tell me something it takes him ages to get to the point
                        Him: "Today, when I was coming home from uni I met my friend and he - you know John? The one that has an aunt in Canada? She emigrated there in the 70's. He went there last summer and *blablabla*"
                        10mins later
                        Me: "ok, but in the end what did he say or do?!"
                        Him: "oh, right. He said he passed the exam."
                        YEP. That's Stephen too. Or right in the middle of a sentence he'll just pause... and I'm like GO ON!! Hahahaha


                          When I try to ask him stuff like how his night out last night was he always skirts around the question and wont answer it directly. I just want to know how it went and what he did... :/

                          He does this ALL THE TIME and not just when he goes out sometimes he does it when I ask about anything. Annoys me to death.

                          Met Online: 02/2012
                          Started talking privately: 09/20/2012
                          First Met in person: 09/22/2012
                          Started Dating: 10/30/2012
                          Closed the Distance 4/24/2013


                            He rushes me! example- getting out of bed. food shopping, shopping for things for our home. He hates waiting around for me! He is quick at knowing what he wants at the store and gets annoyed when I take a little longer than him! AND he always convinces me I dont need things. He doesnt understand that I need my Olay body wash, and throw pillows. He's such a guy. I also hate when he tries to convince me going to Christmas dinner that I don't need to get ready and put makeup on, just so we can get there sooner!
                            But I love him!

