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    I have been feeling really sad and depressed lately. I could use some help.

    If you want you could talk to me, I could use some friends. It may help you feel less sad. I can give pretty good advice if I do say myself.


      Awh, i'm sorry to hear that....
      do you know why you are feeling sad and depressed? Is there any reason to it? Did something bad happen.... Or does the winter weather make you feel depressed? Maybe we'll able to help you out a little bit more if we know the details. You can always send it in a private message, if you don't like spilling it all out in front of everyone.

      Somehow, watching sad movies and hearing sad music doesn't really work... It'll only put more focus on your feelings. Even if you might feel understood by that. Try to be positive. Look in the mirror and just smile. Smile smile smile even if it is fake. Laugh, giggle. Scream. Let is all out. Somehow, randomly smiling always makes me feel better after awhile.
      What also works is going outside a lot. Fresh air is good for you. Oh and sit under a very bright lamp! It's really strange but it works lifting your mood.
      Try to sport. Being active with your body let's out stress and makes you feel more fit.

      There are many ways to make you feel better, but in the end, you are the one that has to do it. We can listen, be a friend for you and give you advice, but nothing more
      You used to be much more..."muchier." You've lost your muchness


        is anything bothering you in particular? *sending big warm hugs your way*


          Tell us your story. It helps to let it out.

