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need a little help

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    need a little help

    hello friends,
    well Hi all of you there,am judith,,neva introduced myself but i always used to visit the site and read about ldr's and get a loads of inspiration from you thank u so much.. I have a little problem and wished you all cud give me some advice on it,,, me and my bf are in a long distance relationship for the past 2 years,,we have met before i.e. 2 years ago..since then we have had a good relationship...just normal ups and downs here and there,,the problem is he is a sailor and keeps on sailing every now and then..when he was on his first sail evreything was just great..we used to write to each other so many emails and he used to even call me once in a week every week without fail,,sumtimes even twice a week,,and then when he came to land after six months things were a little shaky..but we got to be together again..but now after a year after his first sail,he's sailing again..and this time its a little different...he wont write to me everyday even when i told him i wait for his emails..and he wont even call me that often..he calls once in every two weeks or even once in 3 weeks...its getting too much on me and i keep on waiting for his call ever minute and every second..i even told him i wait 2 talk 2 him..but no result..i really dont now whats wrong...would surely ask for some advice..thanking you ...

    How does he sound when he's calling you? Happy? Just like always? Then maybe he's just really busy at the moment?


      yupss he sounds happyy when he callssss,,, ...the thing is he was as busy he is now on his last sail..but this time things r different..and i cnt jus figure them out...


        Have you mentioned to him the long periods of silence between contact are worrisome? Maybe asking him what's going on, if he's more busy and has less time than the last.


          ya i told him abt it...he jus says that he just gets too tired to write...and then when i told him that i am jus afraid that the communication will become lesser with time then he just said that he has no answer for it...


            Make sure to ask him if things are good between you. He may be getting into the comfortable zone, knowing you are there and think he doesn't need to put as much work into the relationship as before. Make sure he knows it really bothers you but do it in a non-confrontational way. *hugs*

