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    We are officially on a break and I've moved back in with my parents for now.

    It was heart-wrenching, but it was a choice we made together. We weren't ready to move in together, so we are taking a step back.

    I'm going to work on being happy ( See my other thread for details) and we are going to take things on step at a time. We never got used to being in the same zipcode again. We are going to still text and talk and see each other during the week. We are going to court each other like we did when we began dating.

    He told his parents. They are really unhappy with me and that thought crushes me. I love his parents. I get along with them so well. His mother is never going to forgive me for this and it almost makes me want to give up. I can't live with it.

    I'm a wreck. I want to crawl into my bed and pull my covers over my head.
    "We are all a little weird and life's a little weird, and when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall in mutual weirdness and call it love " ~ Theodore Seuss Geisel.

    His parents will come around. Don't add that stress onto your plate. You made a decision that was correct for you two. And you made it together.

    Get happy, and get back together. Best wishes.


      Yeah don't worry about his parents for now, just focus on you and your relationship - others opinions should come last at this point in time.


        I hope that you gain the clarity you need from this break. Try not to worry about his mother as best as you can; as LB said, it's something she'll most likely come around to. This is about you, not her, and you need to worry about making you happy and what you need in order to do so, whether you're able to fall back in love with your SO or not. Hang in there, and I'm here if you ever need someone to talk to.


          Oh no.. I'm so sorry to hear that How come his parents are unhappy with you if it was a decision you made together? Anyway, I really hope this time apart helps, I'm sending lots of positive thoughts your way *hugs*


            *hugs* I hope this time gives you the clarity you need. No matter what, I hope you know that you have all the support you need here.


              Good for the two of you for making the best choice for you! Don't worry about his parents, it's not their relationship and they're not the ones that were negatively affected by you living together. The best thing you can do now is focus on yourself and how you can make your relationship work for you. Good luck



                hey, *hugs*...hang in there and maybe take a bit of time to feel sorry if you have to, but chin up, start looking forward to the good things which will come out of this. You will settle your issues in time and everything will be better, even if it doesn't seem like that now


                  Maybe taking a little time to yourselves will be just thing you need to collect yourselves and work towards getting back together. Good luck
                  “The ties that binds us are sometimes impossible to explain. They connect us even after it seems like the ties should be broken. Some bonds defy distance and time and logic; Because some ties are simply… meant to be.” - Grey’s Anatomy

                  >Little Box<


                    I'm so sorry, Rugger. Try not to think about his family right now, they'll get over it, the important thing is taking care of yourself and figuring things out. You made the decision that was right for you, and now you have the space to sort things out. My thoughts are with you.
                    Our separation of each other is an optical illusion of consciousness. ~Albert Einstein


                      Im really sorry to hear this and like everyone has said I'm sure his parents will come round, at the end of the day it's your life you can't keep others happy at the downfall of your own happiness.

                      I also think its pretty inspiring how you two have handled this, I really think you should be pretty proud of yourselves. You've both definitely given yourselves the best possible chance of getting back together. Best of luck!


                        I'm really sorry to hear that, I hope you'll feel better soon. Don't take up the opinions of other people too much for now, especially his parents. That'll only make you feel more pressured and that's not what your relationship needs right now, I think. *hugs*


                          i hope this break gives yu the clarity you need. Sometimes we dont understand the worth of our loved ones while living with them.But when we are away/apart from them than we realize their real importance and worth. I hope you two both fall back in love and this break may strengthen your love. ALl the best wishes..


                            The others have said everything I wanted to


                              Normally I'm quite skeptical when I hear about breaks, but from reading your posts, especially this one, I think this is exactly the right thing for you guys, and that it really may just be a matter of moving too quickly. Commitment doesn't have a handbook, and you should take it (like moving in together!) at your own pace, and one else's perceived timing. That being said, I truly hope you guys can find that spark again. Maybe this is just a growing period, you know? I think you're so mature for handling it in this way, and my heart goes out to you. I'm rooting for you both every step of the way!!
                              "I love thee to the depth, and breadth, and height my soul can reach..." ~Elizabeth Barrett Browning

