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What do you guys talk about?

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    What do you guys talk about?

    It's occurred to me that I really have no idea how we past the time. Yeah, we talk to each other on Skype, but I can't really pin point what we're talking about and it usually doesn't make much sense. It's either him talking about EVE (and me understanding about 2/3 of it...) or me talking about random things I discovered that day. Or we're laughing about inside jokes or telling each other "I love you." Is that normal? It doesn't seem to bother him. But they're not really conversations. We have serious conversations from time to time. Sometimes we share stories about our experiences with each other, but usually nothing exciting happens that day. We're still getting to know each other, but it's a point where it's slowed down and follows its own pace. On the other hand, this random chat is our everyday talk. So, it's got me curious what other couples' day-to-day conversations are like. What do you guys talk about?

    Don't worry, that sounds very familiar! Not very many people have really exciting days when you always have loads of things to talk about lol. Most ppl just go to work/school every day and that's it, there's not much to discuss. I myself sometimes prefer us just being quiet and not talking, it's enough to know he's there for me if I need him. It's kinda like an online-cuddle so to speak lol, when you just sit quietly and imagine holding each other's hands etc.

    Andy and I used to talk every day for hours for about a year so it's no wonder that at some point you're bound to run out of topics to discuss! We usually just have fun, watch silly Youtube vids or make jokes or play a game and sometimes we do nothing, we just turn on our webcams and absorb each other (poshier word for staring lol).

    Our day-to-day talks include everything that's happened to us that day which is really not much cause I'm home all day every day being layed-off and he goes to uni every day... But my personal opinion is that you don't always have to have loads to talk about, you have those quiet moments in real life as well. Whenever Andy is here we spend loads of time just lying on the sofa and holding each other without speaking, we just wanna be close to each other and there's no words needed. It can be like that when you're online too, although I suppose if the relationship is fairly new it can feel akward just sitting and not talking.

    But every LD couple is gonna run into this problem at some point and if not then they are living very exciting lives, lol!


      It's the same with me and Jesse. We talk hours every day most of it is about nothing at all. It's just our weird inside jokes and random 'I miss you's. We also share a lot of interesting or funny links we find since we're both such internet nerds.

      And silence is just as good while we're on a webcam call - it just feels good to be able to look at the other and know he's there, just like if you were hanging out in real life.


        He does most of the talking... about news stories and political issues and geeky technology things. He loves to rant. Haha.


          We talk about everything and nothing at all! We often muse about how we can spend a whole day on Skype together and realise that we can't really remember what we talked about. If I had to pinpoint it, we usually talk about our day mostly, how much we love and miss each other, how we can't wait to see each other, stuff like that. For us it's not really the things we talk about that are important, but rather the time we spend together that is.


            I always think about this too! We can talk for hours and hours about absolutly nothing. We talk a lot about our families (my family is like a sitcom), work, our puppies (we each kept one when he moved), and just our life in general I guess. He is always finding random things to chat about and is the King of useless facts and information. And of course we plan a lot about our future when we are finally in the same city again <3


              This is a good question! We have known each other for 8 years and have talked daily nearly all of them. So, we know each other pretty well. I usually just like to hear his voice, so a lot of our conversations go the same way. "Good morning, how are you feeling, what are your plans for the day, I love you, I miss you... etc.). Other than that, we usually talk about problems we are having with work, or about things we do with friends/family. We talk about things we'd like to do in the future. Sometimes we find new stories about each other that we haven't talked about before (but it's pretty rare these days). We watch youtube videos together, look up information on the web together, take "walks" in different cities via google maps and skype screen sharing. Hmm... I'll try to pay more attention when I talk to him and get back to you.


                Thanks guys ^^ I'm not too worried about it. We don't have many silences and when we do they're not awkward. I was concerned if he might be bored, but then he hasn't complained about it. It's good to know that it's not abnormal that we basically talk about nothing. XD I've mentioned to him that I'm content just hearing his busy noises and knowing he's there, but I think he makes sounds so I'll answer back and he knows I'm there. I can be very quiet when I'm reading. ^^;; It's just kinda funny because we know if we weren't apart exactly what we would be doing. Cuddling watching videos and hanging out playing games, which is pretty much the same thing, I just hadn't really thought of it like that hehe


                  We talk for hours a day, about nothing. XD Usually it's us talking about our days, saying what happened in class, saying something interesting that happened, watching a movie or playing a game together, *cuddling* and not saying much, having a discussion about something irrelevant (we once talked about our personal preferences for zombie apocalypse preparation), or the random "THIS IS SO COOL CLICK THE LINK! =D". We go for a while without talking but if it starts to feel like the silence is pressing, I randomly *kiss* him or just say I love him, and vice versa. Um, yeah, I don't have any idea how we spend all that time either. >.> We have all our "serious" conversations at night, those can last for ages.

