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Anxiety/freaking out a little

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    Anxiety/freaking out a little

    In 10 days, I am going to be meeting my love for the first time. I am super excited but I am also getting really anxious and nervous..I have all these emotions flooding me at the thought. I am just afriad I am going to have a anxiety attack when I first meet him or something. I have only hung out with 2 people in the past few years, I don't get out much. lol

    I am probably just over thinking it, I have never had an anxiety attack or anything. I am just afraid he won't like me in person..which is super silly. This is a dream come true for me, and I really don't want to mess it up. Also lately I have been more moody and sad and I don't understand why, I bet it is because I am getting all worked up about him coming here.

    Did anyone else feel this nervous? My older sister met her long distance bf for the first time and she is still with him, she is staying with him for a month I guess. She was like pretty calm, and I am over here thinking of everything like crazy. I know some of you have met your SO so I thought maybe you could give me some insight.

    I understand how you feel. I felt the same way when I was meeting my SO for the first time. I was so nervous that my hands were trembling! I continuously questioned myself as to whether or not he would like me. Of course, I told him all of my fears a few days before his first visit. He had felt the same way. We both agreed to just calm down, take a step back, and look past the "what ifs" because they were terrifying us, well, me more than him. When he did arrive, I was still very nervous. My hands still trembled but not as much. When I saw him, my first thought was "HE'S HERE!!" and my next instant thought was "Oh, what if he doesn't like me?!?!?". However, he did like me. He loved me even more, and we are still together.

    So I guess my advice would be, if you haven't already done so, to talk it over with your SO. See what he is feeling as far as nerves about meeting you. More than likely, he will be thinking a lot of the same things. Just tell him all of your fears about meeting and hold nothing back. That's what I did with my SO and it made me feel a lot better. Your SO will probably be able to calm your fears a lot more than you realize. Mine did for me.

    To read our love story, click here.


      Honestly, I was relatively calm until I was about 5 minutes from his house. The trip was basically unplanned so I didn't really have time to worry much beforehand, but I did have a tiny little freak out session with all of the 'what if he doesn't like me' etc thoughts in the few hours before I left to begin my trip. Most of the nerves during the trip were more of not getting lost, getting there safely, etc.. until that last 5 minutes. Then I panicked lol. I still had to compose myself enough to walk up to his house and ring the bell and stuff but I felt like I was going to have a heart attack or something the whole time.. which took maybe 10 minutes total to finish the trip, go to his door, and wait for him to answer.. but it felt like eternity. From what I have seen from posts here, yes it is very normal and pretty common too. You really shouldn't have anything to worry about, you're a pretty girl and he has fallen for your personality already. I hope you guys have a great time together, just enjoy his visit and have fun!
      "Babe, I'm totally murdering everyone in this building right now! ... You would be so proud of me."
      This. This is only one of the reasons that I love this man. XD

      "I'll surrender up my heart and swap it for yours."
      Por siempre, mi amor. ♥


        Aww that is so sweet, I remember when I met my love for the first time in person, I was standing there texting him and I knew he was around but couldn't find him, I was worried that I might have seen him but not recognized him or something so that got me a little bit worried, that he would look very different... and as I was texting him trying to figure out where he was then I started to worry he might have seen me and not recognize me and that he might not like me in person!! but then I realized he was being playful and just enjoying watching me looking around trying to find him, until I got annoyed and just demanded he stops hiding already haha.

        I did have some pretty anxious moments later down the road while he was away though, it happened when I realized that this was the real deal, that he was giving up pretty much everything to be with me and that we both were dead serious about our feelings, it was scary and I started to doubt myself, after all what woman on earth could possibly be worthy of a man like him? that was the kind of thoughts that crossed my mind and I talked to him about it, he helped me feel much better, those moments still happen every once in a while but they are easily dismissed because I know he is not perfect, just perfect for me and I for him.

        My advice would be to try to relax as much as possible before meeting, if you have not met in person there is so much to discover about each other, might turn out that he is more amazing than you thought or maybe not so much, think of him as this awesome friend you are meeting to see if there is something more, that way you won't put much pressure on yourself or him, believe me if things work out things will get harder once he has to go back and you guys figure out when you can meet next time, so think of this as a warm up!


          There is a thread all about first time visits floating around somewhere. I would suggest reading it (not only because it will help you realize that almost all of us get crazy nervous, but also because they are just cute stories. :P) Most of us were all a nervous wreck before our meetings, and most of us are still around, which means it all turned out great!

          Personally, I have severe anxiety already so I was a hot mess the day I met my SO. The best thing to do is try to remember that there is a reason you are meeting him, and that more than likely it will all turn out to be just fine. Don't focus on "messing it up." Instead, focus on knowing that for the first time you will get to see him and hug him and do all the fun things you currently can't do apart. I also second the above poster who said to talk it over with him. Chances are he is just as nervous.

