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Defining the relationship

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    Defining the relationship

    Hello, I am new to this site and am also new to long distance relationships. I have been communicating with "M" since June of 2012, via email, text messaging, however I didn't actually meet him in person until December of 2012. Instant chemistry took place and we spent five hours at the airport together. it was like a fairytale, he missed his flight twice because conversation was so good. Two weeks later we spent a fantastic wknd in Vegas and that wknd confirmed the chemistry. He is now back in Japan and I am here in Arizona. We text message, email and skype, but our relationship has not been defined. I am a bit wary of bringing up the subject concerned that he may back away thinking I'm moving too fast. He has shared his feelings for me and Iwith him, but that is all, we have joked about getting married and where we would like to live together. He will be in Japan for 11 more months and then he returns. I would like to know where we stand in this relationship, should I be patient and let nature take it's course or should I come out and ask..?

    just ask! i was wondering about the same thing a while back and i just asked
    so.. are we now BF and GF? and are we exclusive?? blushing very much!!
    nothing is more anoying then not knowing..


      I'd say do whatever feels right to you. If you want to know, you should ask. But if you don't mind just letting things flow as they will, do that. There is no right or wrong in these things. It's all about you two. Whatever you think will be best for you.
      Met online: Nov 2010 - Met in person: Nov 20, 2010
      Closed the distance: April 27, 2011
      Accepted to PhD program 200 miles away: March 2012
      LD again: July 24, 2012
      Left School and Closed the Distance for good: March 8, 2013
      Married: November 1, 2014
      Started job 200 miles away: February 23, 2015


        It doesn't sound too quick, if it feels right it feels right, you said yourself the chemistry is there, he's probably thinking the same thing and not saying anything for the same reason, ask him IMO

        "Buddha made you for me" - My SO

        1st Met/Visit: Nov 2012 - Thailand
        2nd Visit: May 2013 - Thailand
        3rd Visit: Jun 2013 - Thailand
        4th Visit: Sep 2013 - Thailand
        5th Visit: Sep 2013 - Jan 2014 - UK
        6th Visit: Apr 2014 - Thailand - Marry
        7th Visit: Sept 14th 2014 - Thailand - Wedding Ceremony / Party
        Close the distance - Sept 21st 2014 - UK
        UK Wedding Party: November 8th 2014


          I don't see any harm in asking him outright That's what I did with my SO!


            I agree with the posters above, there's just one thing I'm curious about:

            Originally posted by forevamine View Post
            Instant chemistry took place and we spent five hours at the airport together. it was like a fairytale, he missed his flight twice because conversation was so good.
            How did he go about this? It's not exactly like missing the bus so you can just hop on the next one that comes along?

            Like any great relationship, it just gets better and better as the years roll on. - Steve Jobs


              I agree with the others, just ask! You'll never know unless you do!


                you can wait for such long time until you ask! go ahead and dont be scared!

