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I feel so bad recently

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    I feel so bad recently

    Me and my bf meet online for over a yr ago, we had been chatted for all things and discuss for plans of our future together, as i will move to his country after i finish my study.

    We both visited each other for twice in this yr, i feel really wonderful with him, very comfortable and natural, like old couples when we together.

    And we promise to each that will get online, phone or even just a msg/email whatever, leave each sth everyday, and he keeps his words really.

    But it start to change recently, as I know because of his works and my study keep both of us busy, he didn't get online or feel that nervous or into our chat much now i felt, and his network always get cut off, i don't know what's going

    Feel bad but nth i gonna to do, as i still send him email or some msgs, i worry will i make him annoying. But i won't change my own plan, i would still plan to go for my adventure after my study, wish he can be one of my part

    It sounds like a good idea to continue your plan to move to another country, if this is what you really want. I'm sorry things seem difficult with your bf. How long have the problems been happening? Sometimes life becomes too hectic to realistically communicate every day, but if it's been going on for more than a couple of weeks, I recommend that you talk to him about it and really find out what's going on.

    Best wishes!


      it happened since our last meet, i go visit him last month, and after that we both busy
      as he keeps on being work busy and i am working on my thesis.

      i have no time to chat with him muchly as i can't see him gets online
      he did reply my email, said like been out of office all day

      is it really difficult to get online in some countries..... as he said the network of his house is really bad


        Yes- my bf is in a country where the internet is not very reliable. Sometimes it works fine, other times it doesn't work at all or cuts out in the middle of our conversation. Combined with the difference in time zones and schedules, it is so frustrating!

        It really bothered me at first (it's been like this for the past 6 months), but I've learned to remember that it's not his fault and to be grateful when the internet does work and our schedules don't allow us to speak as much as we would like.

        I'm working on my dissertation, so I try to focus on that as much as possible. When I really, really miss him, I ask via email for some affection and time. I have to be patient- sometimes it takes him a few days to respond as I would like, but he does his best. Unfortunately, it's the best I can ask for.

        Try to be gentle with him, tell him what you need, but don't make him feel that you are accusing him of not caring for you.


          yes, thanks for yr advice. i really agree abt that
          becos of i feel so frustrate when no chat with him, i feel i express my bad mood in my email or msgs sometimes which might make him feels bad too

          and i will change my words to show him i am not complaining or else

          my mood just up and down so much, even he just leave me a few msgs today, it can make me happy more as i would feel he is caring abt me


            Okapi, as long as his words are still caring, you have nothing to worry about in my opinion. Yes, you both are busy, you said the net is bad in his country. I would not worry until his words change to you. Who knows, he may sit in his office and look up, a smile on his face because he loves you. He is just unable to immediately let you know he is thinking of you. Hang in there. *hugs*


              u r rite, i should not worry abt that much
              thanks for both of u, i know i think in silly way sometimes


                We all have our silly moments my dear. Yesterday I thought Sean was falling out of love with me. Today, we are ending the distance. Have hope as long as you know in your heart then believe.


                  The worse thing for me is I know I love him so much and always fear he don't love me anymore
                  He said I show not much interest to him in last visit which bother me much
                  I worry he thinks my love fade out which is I fear of most from him actually

                  Just hope these period can pass soon
                  Too uncertain in this

