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Surprise visit to boyfriend?

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    Surprise visit to boyfriend?

    I live in England and my boyfriend lives in Northern Ireland, not that far thank god . I haven't met him yet, but he's been going through a bit of a tough time lately and he's been a bit depressed. He's over all that now and I really want to go over and surprise him, thoughts? He always says he'd love it if one day he opened the front door and it was me standing there so I finally want to make it happen! I would get a flight over and then a train and taxi to his house, and then do the same back if none of his family could drop me there. His mum has said before i'm welcome any time but i'm not sure how to go about it and make sure he doesn't find out? Any help much appreciated

    Do you have anyway of contacting his mum? If so just ask her and explain what you want to do, i'm sure from what you've said she'll probably want to help and just go from there!! I'm sure he'll love it if you surprise him!!


      Don't do this unless you discuss it with his mother first. Surprises are great and all, and his mom may have said you're welcome, but since he lives with his parents, it may be seen as quite inconsiderate and impolite to just show up, and you could be intruding during a not-so-good time. Also, you could show up at the door, and the whole family may be away for the day, then what will you do? Remember, it's not his house, it's his parent's, so call his mom and plan this with her knowledge and OK, then I'm sure it'll be fine.
      Our separation of each other is an optical illusion of consciousness. ~Albert Einstein


        What Moon said. I think surprises are best done when at least someone else close to the person knows so they can help you plan it out and make sure everything is good to go. Don't just show up randomly.


          When I surprise visited my boyfriend, I made sure that it would work out and sorted it all out so that I could get to and from the airport myself, without his family's help, checked it was okay with my parents. Then I spoke to his mum and made sure that it was okay with her, and then I asked my school for the time off as it was during term time and then booked my flights
          I think you should do it, the look on his face when you arrive at the door is just priceless Just make sure you talk to his mum, or someone in his family so they know what's going on incase something does go wrong, or incase they already have plans for that time that your boyfriend doesn't know about
          No time zone or distance or anything can keep us apart


            That's a great idea but like everyone said, cover all bases

            "Buddha made you for me" - My SO

            1st Met/Visit: Nov 2012 - Thailand
            2nd Visit: May 2013 - Thailand
            3rd Visit: Jun 2013 - Thailand
            4th Visit: Sep 2013 - Thailand
            5th Visit: Sep 2013 - Jan 2014 - UK
            6th Visit: Apr 2014 - Thailand - Marry
            7th Visit: Sept 14th 2014 - Thailand - Wedding Ceremony / Party
            Close the distance - Sept 21st 2014 - UK
            UK Wedding Party: November 8th 2014

