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It's over

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    It's over

    So I just got done talking to my guy online and he broke up with me. He said he doesn't want to do it anymore, it's not because he doesn't love me but he said it's because we aren't compatible and he can't keep lying to himself about us. That's it I guess 3 years is gone because he started to feel like that after he went to chile.

    Treasuretrooper <-- how I helped pay for some of my LDR expenses when I was in one.

    ; ^ ; *offers huggles* I'm sorry. that's pretty harsh.


      it took him 3 YEARS to say that? geez. I'm so, so sorry, dear. things will get better! <3


        :/ he could have said that 3 years ago to not drag you along, grrrrrr sorry you going through this *Huggles*


          *tight huggles and hands you a pint of Ben & Jerry's* I am sorry to hear this. 3 years and after coming back from a trip.


            I am so so sorry to hear that. *huggles*
            We are all here for you.


              Thank you everyone, I wish it was just a joke and that he doesn't really mean it, but I know that's not the case I just wish he would of told me in person because it would of been a lot easier for me then it is now. I kind of understand what he means with the compatibility and how we we're always fighting in person, but I thought it was something we could work on and get past, now I just want to see him in person to make it less painful it would give me closure by seeing him.

              Treasuretrooper <-- how I helped pay for some of my LDR expenses when I was in one.


                *Big hugs* I'm really, really sorry that this happened to you.


                  Oh gosh.. I'm so sorry to hear that. Can't even imagine how much that hurts. *big hugs*


                    Hon, he's not worth seeing in person save to spit on at this point. If it took him this long to realize he can't/won't work past the compatibility issues and the arguments, then he's not worth even acknowledging as an actual person by seeing him face to face. Three years though, that's going to be hard to get over but you have our support regardless. Those who know the heartbreak can give you advice and the rest of us can be your shoulder and friend as you take the time to heal and realize you're better off without such a fool.


                      Originally posted by LadyMarchHare View Post
                      Hon, he's not worth seeing in person save to spit on at this point. If it took him this long to realize he can't/won't work past the compatibility issues and the arguments, then he's not worth even acknowledging as an actual person by seeing him face to face. Three years though, that's going to be hard to get over but you have our support regardless. Those who know the heartbreak can give you advice and the rest of us can be your shoulder and friend as you take the time to heal and realize you're better off without such a fool.
                      amen to that! if he didnt have the guts to tell you this to your face then its really not worth seeing him, because it would only complicate things more then help


                        That must hurt. I'm so sorry to read that.


                          I'm so sorry to hear that. Do you have people close to you that can help you cope?


                            I am really sorry to hear that. The least thing you can do is to keep your head up, sooner or later you will come over it. Even if its hard as hell.
                            Good luck!


                              Thank you to everyone for the support. I took a couple of days off and away from everything to help myself heal. I talked to my ex more about the reason why he chose to break up with me and he said, he didn't want to hurt me so he used the incompatibility as the reason. He said he loves me, but he's not sure if he's in love with me and him going home made him extremely confused. He also said he wants both of us to become more independent and maybe try again in the future. We have decided to stay good friends and we talk every day. I would rather have him in my life even if it's just a friend then to not have him at all.

                              Treasuretrooper <-- how I helped pay for some of my LDR expenses when I was in one.

