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Another fight yet again. . .

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    Another fight yet again. . .

    So I know I posted a thread about me and my SO's last fight. This is basically about that fight, When he called me that next morning and apologized it seemed like there was still hope so we talked about it and forgave each other, well I did anyways. He called me tonight at 12:30am I hadn't talked to him all day since the afternoon after we got into a bit of a nit pick about him not getting his ID (AGAIN!?!) so I answered the phone because I was happy to hear from him. The second I answered the phone he sounded like a big grump and I didn't know what to think so I said my hellos and how are yous.

    He then told me that he had a bad dream about me and that he wanted to talk about it, So I said sure (everyone needs to talk about dreams and he's been there for me with my stupid insecure dreams so whatevs). Anyways it turned into him NOT being over the fact of me not giving him my email password at the time of the major fight we just got out of, So I got frustrated and I already knew where it was leading then he started with the accusations saying that he knows for a fact that there was something I was hiding in my email even though he has the password now he believes that I deleted whatever I was hiding.

    I got so angry and I told him "we talked about this from the last fight and we agreed that we would try to work it out" and he had yelled some more saying that he knows I am up to no good and that its just like the past (in the past on second life some girl was trying to spend time with me etc etc) he to me doesn't seem to let go of my past at all yes I am guilty of the same with him but I have been trying to work on it. I told him if he can't seem to get over Sh*t and talk to me without accusing me then he needs to break up with me.

    So he said "I will and this time its final, I can't keep going through this with you" I was upset of course but we have been through this road block so many times I don't know how to react anymore, so he hung up on me and told me not to call him anymore. He called me 15mins later and kept the arguing going, I broke down in crying but it felt like they were final tears (I'm sure I'll cry again). I said I can't handle this anymore and hung up on him its now 1:39am, no call back or anything so here I am.

    I am finally trying to come back to LFAD and try to take advantage of this site and the community, I don't know what to do I love him but I'm very sadden with what is going on with our relationship. There is a problem with his depression as well as mine but I am trying so hard to be strong for myself. I don't know how else to try to communicate its like we do then it backfires after like one second we are communicating then next he bring up issues again after we talked about it. Someone help

    I think taking a little time-out would be a good idea right now, it's obvious he (and maybe you either) just can't talk about the issues in a civilized way and you end up arguing and yelling to each other. A few days not talking and keeping in touch can do miracles, it'll give you both the chance to cool down and think about what you want. It also ives you the opprtunity to really think about what to say the next time you talk to each other and hopefully prevent both of you from getting angry and saying things you don't really mean.

    The arguing and yelling will get you nowhere except beginning to hate every conversation you're ever gonna have.

