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If this is not a sign i dunno what is! O_o

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    If this is not a sign i dunno what is! O_o

    I just got off the phone with Denise, and holy shit! Now if you dont believe in any of this thats fine but a few days ago she told me she went out to get something to eat, and when she went to go back home there was this Native American Tribe on the sidewalk playing music trying to get money and they had alot of stuff set up and she was in the shop for no longer then 10 minutes and when she came out they were all set up doing there music, and she swears up and down they were not on that sidewalk when she went into the store. Come to find out these people were actually her spirit guides and they were showing up to her because she was meant to see them at that point, if you think were crazy let me tell you about all the other things that cannot possibly be a coincidence!

    1. her ancestors are native american(Bear River Indians) and american who lived in the south in wait for it.......north carolina!
    2. reason why even though i have no family in NC and i feel at home there is because my home is with her, and she's always been drawn to NC before she met me so when we move we are gonna be right at home where were supposed to be
    3. awhile back i sent her a care package with 2 bears, and i had meant to send her a wolf because those are her favorite animals but i sent her 2 bears and The Bear River Indians are one of the tribes that are in North Carolina!

    It's a little suspicious that we have figured this out when we are supposed to move in a few months! and its those things and other things that we really really know we are meant to be together, this is where we are supposed to be! while its a little freaky its pretty damn cool at the same time! Holy shit lol

    Definitely freaky but I'm sure stranger things have happened. ^_^


      totally cool and kinda fascinating at the same time.


        yeah it is!! i never knew things like this actually happened, its wild


          I do believe things like this happen, so it's really cool that she got to experience it. How did she come to know that they were her guides?


            when she stopped to watch them play there music, she had a very distinct feeling she knew them but couldnt really place it until she told me about it, and i had the very strong feeling that they were her spirit guides and were her great great great grandparents i kept asking her questions about them like did they look like her or part of her family, ect and she said yes from there we put the peices together

