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    What does your SO and you have in common?
    Are there a lot of things?
    Do you also have the same hobbies?
    Do you think it is important to have the same hobbies? Or should there be different ones too, so you won't stick on each other too much?
    Can you also sometimes read his/her mind? Do you think the same things?

    I am just curious, because me and my SO have a lot of things in common. We react pretty the same way, except that he is not as aggressive as i am. We also read each others minds pretty often. We say the same things in the same second and we can read from each others eyes, if there is something wrong.
    In the case of hobbies, we are both creative, but in different ways. I am more into Art and drawing,while he is into music.
    On the beginning we always said we are soulmates. It settled down now, we don't mention it as often, but we are still in the opinion we are made for eachother. Do you think you and your SO are soulmates?

    What does your SO and you have in common? lots including humour, values, life goals, children, passion for each other, patience, tolerance and neither of us suffers fools well
    Do you also have the same hobbies? yes we both WoW together and I guess the LDR forum is a hobby together as well - not much time for any other hobbies
    Do you think it is important to have the same hobbies? Or should there be different ones too, so you won't stick on each other too much? It's important to have different ones or at least different interests as long as you can still complement each other
    Can you also sometimes read his/her mind? Do you think the same things? Yes a few very spooky examples one involving a fortune cookie >.< but I'll leave that to him to post on


      What does your SO and you have in common?
      Me and my SO have quite a lot in common, in terms of the things that interest us, and similar music tastes, views on things such as religions, we both are interested in similar parts of history. However..she likes horror movies and I don't. Ha. And studywise it is different too, like when she starts her course in septemeber its at a language school, whereas my area of study is in the math, physics and earth sciences area. We both enjoy driving around, walking at night. We both the idea of travelling around europe and the world. We definitely have the same sense of humour!!

      Do you also have the same hobbies?
      Um...I don't know about this one. I love playing hockey and badminton, and cycling..when I do it.. don't really get much time to do these anymore but I still enjoy them. But we do both enjoy table tennis, mini golf.

      Do you think it is important to have the same hobbies? Or should there be different ones too, so you won't stick on each other too much?

      I think it is important to have things in common so you have things you can talk about and have similar views on. But I think you should both definitely have other interests as well, so you can share those with each other as well. Personally I like hearing about other things that maybe I haven't been personally into, but I love when my SO will tell me about something different. I think it important to have seperate hobbies as well because they are what makes you who you are. But having similar hobbies as well is good, so you have a common ground.

      Can you also sometimes read his/her mind? Do you think the same things?

      There have been so many times where my SO has finished my sentences or known exactly what I am going to say. I love it when she does that! it really does feel like she reads my mind! A lot! It is awesome. And sometimes I do the same thing. I like it when that happens too sometimes I can tell from her tone of voice what she is thinking of. <3

      I find that with us we can tell through listening to each others voices and through our typings if we are upset or something is wrong. We can both get upset easily about the same things. We both tend to mock each other a lot, we are both rather sarcastic. Which at times isn't always good! But most of the time makes us laugh a lot . That is another way we are similar. We are both rather mushy..hehe. Maybe it has something to do with the fact we are both girls hehe. <3
      I tend to enjoy watching tv every now and then, I used to love it but don't watch it much now. However my SO ...well doesn't really watch all. Except for horror movies and documentaries..oh and the simpsons! :P so yeah..unfortunately she doesn't share my enthusiasim for shows such as Doctor Who and Torchwood..but oh well there is still time to convert her! :P

      I just find that we just seem to match each other in every way. We balance each other out
      The other day my SO said she believed she had found her soulmate in me <3
      I never really gave it too much thought. When I was younger I was rather pessimistic about relationships and love and soulmates etc...but that was before I found her. I know that I am blessed to have found this beautiful girl, who loves me just as much as I love her
      No one else understands me the way she does, through all my weirdness. I know that I have found my soulmate. She is just completely and utterly my other half.


        Originally posted by BoogleBee View Post
        I know that I have found my soulmate. She is just completely and utterly my other half.
        That made me so happy to read. Like so much. *holds back tears* I LOVE YOU! ♥


          Well my bf and I have quite a bit in common and all the good things I look for in a partner.

          My friends all say we "look" like a couple, whatever that means. I have also heard how we are like each others perfect half and that we are also like best friends as well as partners. It's great because our personality differences balance each other out. We do like a lot of the same shows and interests. I am kind of a nerd as some would say and he is like my perfect geek half lol. My friends all say how goofy we are together. He is the first guy I can be myself around and that is because he has the same sense of humor! It's GREAT! He said to me once "where have you been the last 10 years of my life?" That really made me smile I have felt the same way about him since I basically met him. It's nuts and scary at the same time I must say. I am not use to this but it is what I have looked for and I feel he is my soul mate. He has told me many times how I have surprised him because I am not like everyone else. We fit and in my eyes he is perfect.

          There are a few things we have in common that I always said whoever has these all in one is my soul mate. I never really thought he could be an actual person until now. My friends always said I had a too far out there idea of the prefect guy, well my SO is proof he exists!


            What does your SO and you have in common? were both empaths, we have patience with each other, we wanna get into the entertainment business, we love the same raunchy over the top humor, we love the show whose line is it anyway, we love all sorts of music although hers is a bit different then mine but we both like different kinds of music, we love the same junk food, we both are very extremely independent, we believe in the paranormal, we both love animals, and we both love each other to pieces
            Are there a lot of things?yeah theres a few things, too much in common or too much alike then couples dont work out
            Do you also have the same hobbies? yeah we do, we both like to go outside and do things and not be cooped up in the house. so we love hiking, amusement parks, walking, ect
            Do you think it is important to have the same hobbies? Or should there be different ones too, so you won't stick on each other too much? its alright to have different hobbies as well because you cant always be around each other 24/7 because then you'll resent each other after awhile
            Can you also sometimes read his/her mind? Do you think the same things? being an empath we defiantly can, i know something is up when i can sense it and even before she says anything most of the time i can tell whats wrong
            Last edited by Caitlin2009; July 26, 2010, 10:00 AM.


              What does your SO and you have in common? Let's see, our love of music, reading, writing (we are both writers), our avoidance of the sun, the heat. I could go on forever here.

              Are there a lot of things? Too many to list.

              Do you also have the same hobbies? We have some of the same hobbies like MUD'ding (where we met) writing, playing cards.

              Do you think it is important to have the same hobbies? Or should there be different ones too, so you won't stick on each other too much? We have our different ones too. You won't find me playing Call of Duty, for example. I doubt you'd find him crocheting.

              Can you also sometimes read his/her mind? Do you think the same things? I can always tell if there is something wrong or when something bothers him. He can tell the same with me.

              We both realized at almost the same time we were meant for each other.
              Last edited by Rhiavaan; July 26, 2010, 10:44 AM.


                What does your SO and you have in common?Are there a lot of things?

                We both enjoy writing and storytelling, a few music genres, movies, video games, and various other common things that make it easy to have things to talk about or do. We also have a similar background as far as childhood, though as he put it I got a head start on him. Key similarities, but I think for the sake of his privacy and keeping awkwardness out my post I'll just leave it vague and say it's been obvious to me since 08 that we're two shards out of a fractured teacup that fit together enough to be returned to their places without the need of glue.

                Do you also have the same hobbies?

                Pretty much. Though from what I've gathered he likes/liked clubbing and I don't but I don't see that being a huge deal.

                Do you think it is important to have the same hobbies? Or should there be different ones too, so you won't stick on each other too much?

                I think it's important to share a few major interests to give common ground and not share minor ones, but I also think the unshared ones shouldn't conflict with the other's morals. For example if one had a hobby of smoking pot and the other was morally against it. It would spark arguments to the point the person doing it would hide said hobby and it just would be a constant frustration for both of them.

                Can you also sometimes read his/her mind? Do you think the same things?

                I'm minorly disturbed how accurate I've been the few times I've done this. I wouldn't call it reading their mind, it's more like feeling emotions through the nothing that is text on a screen. Less seriously, I seem to be able to tell exactly what he's doing if a few minutes of silence fall over the IM. Twice I've just randomly said "cut it out" and he'll flip because apparently he was 'whittling', so to speak. As for thinking the same things, it happens on occasion. Usually I say it faster because I talk quickly and I type even faster.


                  What does your SO and you have in common?
                  opinions/views, food, beliefs...etc (there is sooo many things)
                  Are there a lot of things?
                  Yeah! We actually started a list a while back and it is up to 61 things and growing.
                  Do you also have the same hobbies?
                  I think our hobbies are including on that list
                  Do you think it is important to have the same hobbies? Or should there be different ones too, so you won't stick on each other too much?
                  That depends, and we are open to trying new things either together or having one of us standing by the side watching.
                  Can you also sometimes read his/her mind? Do you think the same things?
                  Yep, we have both done it many times. I've gotta say the scariest thing I've done is called my SO just as she gets back after lunch and sits down in front of her laptop. There has also been other moments, like when we both said the same thing at the exact same time and other stuff. Its hard to explain.
                  But one thing is for sure... I've found my Soul mate/Twin Flame!
                  I Luv you Megan! XOXO
                  "Distance between two hearts is not an obstacle...rather a beautiful reminder of just how strong true love can be." ~ Anonymous
                  "Since love grows within you, so beauty grows. For love is the beauty of the soul." ~ St. Augustine
                  "True love is rare, so when you find it don't let it go just because of a barrier you can't cross". ~ Ray H Wall

                  Chris and Megan - November 3rd 2009- (Break from June 15- )July 18th 2011.


                    What does your SO and you have in common? Surprisingly little. I think it would be kind of weird to date someone too much like me... again XP.

                    Are there a lot of things? Like I said above, no. We're more along the lines of "opposites attract", but we're not exactly opposite either. People gotta have something in common to work out :P. In all, we just compliment each other's personalities.

                    Do you also have the same hobbies? A good amount actually. We're really into the same nerdoms :P. Some more than the other and vice versa. Example: He's really into anime. I find it entertainment. I'm more into politics... to the point where it's unhealthy xD.

                    Do you think it is important to have the same hobbies? Or should there be different ones too, so you won't stick on each other too much? There needs to be a balance. Remember, before being a couple, you're individuals. Have things you two can share together, but people need alone time. Otherwise you'll get sick of each other at some point and... ever wonder what inspires an ax murderer? :P

                    Can you also sometimes read his/her mind? Do you think the same things? No. We'll regularly guess what the other's doing, thinking, going to say, eating, ect. That's more because we know each other well enough to predict each other. For example, he's scratching his balls right now xD.

                    I forgot this part XP. I do not believe in the concept of the soul mate. With almost 7 billion people in the world, it's pretty much impossible to be only meant to be with one person and one person only. There are just people who you happen to be very compatible with, and can fall in love with. As you can see with this website, you can find them anywhere. Chances are, there's someone out there in the world you're more compatible with than the person you end up marrying or spending your life with. The key if finding the person who makes you want to stop looking. I did say I was a complete cynic when it came to love :P.
                    Last edited by Darth_Taco; July 26, 2010, 11:30 PM.


                      What does your SO and you have in common?
                      A lot of things! In fact, the first time I met her family, it was like a mirror image, except for the fact that she has a brother. Otherwise, we both like to read, we both like some of the same TV shows, same foods...the list goes on and on.

                      Do you also have the same hobbies?
                      No, not really...although in a journalistic sense, our hobbies complement each other: She enjoys photography, I enjoy writing, for example. Otherwise, I enjoy comedies, she enjoys horror movies as another example. Like the similarities, the differences are just as numerous.

                      Do you think it is important to have the same hobbies? Or should there be different ones too, so you won't stick on each other too much?
                      It's not that important to me. Sometimes, one will acclimate the other to a certain hobby that the other might not have been interested in before. For example, I wasn't terribly interested in photography before I met her, but now (and in part because I have to take photographs in my job) I find photography to be really fun.

                      Can you also sometimes read his/her mind? Do you think the same things?
                      Sometimes it feels like we're thinking the same thing, but I don't think I can read her mind. Sometimes, as a male (and trust me, I'm not trying to be chauvinistic) you don't want to know what she's thinking. :-p But usually, I can feel when she's had a bad day, I can feel when she's happy, and no matter what, I will always love her and always stand by her, no matter what she does.
                      National Novel Writing Month Participant- 2010, 2011, 2012
                      National Novel Writing Month Winner- 2010, 2011, 2012

                      Current Writing Project: Wait Until Next Year


                        What does your SO and you have in common?
                        I think a better question would be what DON'T we have in common. the intense amount of common interests, chemistry and connection we have is unreal. I have no doubts that him and I are extremely compatible and were simply made for eachother.

                        Are there a lot of things?
                        yes ma'am

                        Do you also have the same hobbies?
                        I suppose. to be honest, neither of us really have much in the way of "hobbies"

                        Do you think it is important to have the same hobbies? Or should there be different ones too, so you won't stick on each other too much?
                        both are equally important.

                        Can you also sometimes read his/her mind? Do you think the same things?
                        the amount of times we say the same thing at the same time is crazy. or when one of us starts saying something and the other finishes the sentence, or someone says something and the other goes "I WAS JUST THINKING THAT!" it's a great feeling knowing that we are so connected that we can exchange thoughts like that.

