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Poem - In Distance, Everything is Poetry

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    Poem - In Distance, Everything is Poetry

    In Distance, Everything is Poetry

    Flick through facebook photos of far off lands,
    My laptop set to the time where you are
    Suppress my envy, resolve to make plans
    Without leaving town I'll still travel far.
    Do I romanticise or just realise
    the little things I love, now that they're gone.
    Skype can't quite convey the light in you're eyes,
    though you're an artist with emoticons.
    Imperfections fade, haze of memory
    You're a vision now, a divine concept,
    flawless without the mundane. Fuck beauty,
    I long for you ugly, the smell of sweat...
    But, for now, romantic is all our love can be
    For in distance, everything is poetry.

    Hey guys, just wanted to share a poem. "In distance, everything is poetry" is a powerful quote by Novalis that came up in my lectures last year. When my boyfriend went on a year abroad to Japan, it became very relevant to me and this poem was the result. It was written two months or so after he went and was published in 'The Scribe,' a magazine affiliated with my university. Would love to hear your thoughts, and if anyone has felt anything similar.

    Much love,
    Julia Mascetti

    Very nice, thanks for sharing!


      Wow that's really great, your style reminds me of how my SO used to write poems. He hardly writes now which is a shame.. Thank you for posting, and do share more if you have some, I'd enjoy reading them


        Love it, thanks for sharing with everyone

