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normal or no?

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    normal or no?

    so last night i was going through a rough time and i was talking to my SO about it and he fell asleep... he seems to do that a lot and he left me completely alone. i guess i wouldnt mind if it was the first time it happened but its happened before and it makes me think that he doesnt care that i was upset. when hes having a bad time i always stay and make sure hes better but he doesnt do the same, ever.

    It might just be a case of talking at the wrong time of day, can you try to talk earlier so he's not so tired as to fall asleep


      I have fallen asleep during a conversation with my GF as well. Sometimes we just can't help ourselves and our body gives in and falls asleep.


        Do you talk to him when he's had a long day? Late at night? We can't control our bodies if we're overly tired.
        Made it official: 12-01-10
        First visit: 3-29-13/4-09-13
        Closed the distance: 07-31-13


          I have the same problem. When she has a problem i always try to help her and be extra kind if that will cheer her up. Im like always there for her. But when i have something then there is like almost no time for. Mostly she just talks for some moments about it and then goes to other things. This morning she finnaly notic that she is sometimes very rude and not always kind. Im glad for it. For sure if i did mention that she would be mad on me. And let me feel quilty because it was not her fault.
          At my its not a problem about a good time, this could happen every moment of the day. And if she has something she does expect that im there always for her, on every moment of the day....


            Seriously, I have some days when I'm really tired and can not have a decent conversation with anyone, which makes it hard when my boyfriend is trying to tell me about his problems. Some guys just don't understand what they are suppose to do, which means that stuff that sounds obvious to us, doesn't sound that obvious to them. I think you should just send him a message and let him read it and think about it then talk to you when he wants to about it. Hopefully you can sort it out so you are both happy to listen to each others problems. I wouldn't worry about it tho xx


              Most likely your SO is tired. I had a time where I would regularily fall asleep during conversations because I was REALLY tired. There are people who can't keep their heads up after 11 at night, depending on their daily routine and the time at which they wake up to go to school/work. Maybe try another timing so he can dedicate himself 100% to you good luck


                Thanks everyone for the replies. I just got very upset cause i needed him in that moment to be there for me but im over it now and were good.


                  My SO falls asleep late at night too. She gets up real early for work each day. I try to not talk about anything important and when we're on the phone or on skype and i hear or see the signs, i dial back the conversation. If i have something big to chat about, I usually do it on weekends, send her an email, or ask to catch her earlier in the evening.

                  Seems to work out okay.

