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finding it so hard since meeting

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    finding it so hard since meeting

    Bill an I have been talking for over 4 years now an last August we moved forward with our reletionship when we eventually told each other how we felt. In January I went out to visit him an it just confirmed all we were feeling. We got engaged when he proposed to me at the airport as I arrived. I stayed for 3 weeks an it was the most amazing 3 weeks of my life. Now I am back in the UK (4000 miles from him) it is soooooooooooo hard. All we want is to be together forever an we are finding it hard to cope with the distance. Has anyone any ideas for us to help ease the pain we are feeling right now? We talk on video skype every day but its not the same now its not enough Please any ideas would be great help.

    Planning for when you close the distance, or when you marry. Having something to look forward to helps me


      What kacie said.

      You could also try focusing upon the next meetup date. Once you can get a firm date, being apart gets a LOT easier.


        Definetly plan something like an other trip. Even if it's months in advance. That is a HUGE helper for my SO and I. Knowing you're going to see each other soon'ish will make a difference. Take some of the saddness and antsyness away. Coming home from the first visit really is the toughest...I cried for like 3 days. But trust me, it does get easier. Hang in there.

        "True love isn't about being inseparable; it’s about two people being true to each other even when they are separated."
        Married April 18th, 2015!!
        Distance Closed October 4th, 2015!!


          Listen to what everyone else said about having a future meeting date. It took my SO and I about a month after our first visit to figure out a future date and I drove myself crazy until we had something set. Once something was planned everything became way easier.

          Otherwise just try to keep yourself busy. I find if I spend too much time thinking about the distance or the wait to see him again I get very anxious.


            Agree with the above post it took me and the mr 2 almost three weeks to get back into the swing if long distance. I don't really have any advice as we just stuck with it and it got better so all I can say is hang in there, you'll adjust!


              thank you all for the support an ideas


                I don't think the distance gets any easier, but keeping your mind occupied helps immensely. Planning your next visit like Tooki suggested will give you something to look forward to and aim for. Keep strong dear, we all know how your

                Started Writing - February 2010
                First Visit - September 2010
                Second Visit - June 2011
                Third Visit & His Release Date - February 2012
                Our Wedding Day - April 2012
                Submitted I-130 Visa Application - July 2012
                NOA1 - July 2012
                NOA2 - December 2012
                Fourth Visit - December 2012
                Closing The Distance - Watch this space


                  Yeah, the distance sucks about 1000 times more after meeting, once you really know what you're missing Making something nice, like a photo book of your last visit could be a positive way to spend time, because likely you wont be able to stop thinking about him anyway.
                  Happily married to the little Canadian boy I never thought I'd meet in person


                    This is concern of mine. I'm meeting Stephen is 6 days, and I'm worried about what it will be like after he's gone. I know it's going to be SO hard. But I think part of my strategy is going to be telling myself that it won't be the last time. I already know he has tickets for June, we might see each other in August, we're going to Disneyland in November, and I'm going to CA for his college graduation in December. So I know this will be a good year for's just all the time in between. Keep me updated on how things go with you guys.

