I won't go into to much detail but alot of plans changed and we picked him up in Manchester around the bus stop, I was flipping out. I could barely even look at him when he was next to me. We just played with eachothers hands and kissed a little.
We went out to a resteraunt that was really close to me growing up and he met my mother, gram, my sister, and my mums boyfriend. We played some pool and I pulled him into a passionate kiss. It was soo sweet and sexy.
We went iceskating and he took me out, he was such a gentle man and payed for everything! It was really nice. On the first night together after the resteraunt I had him drive to my elementary school to show him and after a bit of innapropriate things that I should not put here...we went to drive around to be more safe in the dark and he totally got stuck in the ice. Super funny! we had horrid luck haha.
He got me a tablet and gave it to me when we first met, I had that with me every second getting lots of videos and pictures and I was safe....but he took me shopping and I guess I set it down when I was looking at something...I totally lost it. I was freaked out! It was expensive and I cant believe I lost it after 4 days...I still feel bad about it. He was soo sweet though, he did not even get angry, he was just worried about me being upset. I know then I was so in love with him, he gave me a hug and kissed me and made me feel okay again. He even got me another tablet that is going to send to me, he must be crazy haha.
I had a wonderful time and we have lot's of nice memories to remember. I wish he was still here but I am looking forward to the next vivist.
Here are some photo's, that I managed to upload to my facebook before I lost the tablet... -_- hehe
842867_598591583501122_657926429_o by marissa.k1995, on Flickr
558003_600607593299521_600463186_n by marissa.k1995, on Flickr
539759_598592026834411_175426707_n by marissa.k1995, on Flickr
542675_598591343501146_1144320020_n by marissa.k1995, on Flickr
487633_598591226834491_1793901239_n by marissa.k1995, on Flickr
149425_598591790167768_1109037814_n by marissa.k1995, on Flickr