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Me and Denise need your help. ASAP!!!

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    Me and Denise need your help. ASAP!!!

    heeeey we dont normally ask for help like this but were in dire straights here. Me and Denise are in need of big time help. Im on a visa that allowed me to get married to Denise, but a few days ago we applied for the spouse visa which allows me to stay in the UK for 2 years. We were gonna use the rent money to pay for it but due to the landlord harassing Denise for it she had to pay for the rent right away, now the visa people will be taking the money out sometime next week, and if they try to and the money is not there, i will be deported which we both do not want. so we need help all of this will have us tapped out big time especially for grocerys and feeding the animals, topping up the electricty and gas. So please whatever you can donate that would be great. we need $678 for the visa and to donate please donate to denise's paypal at:

    I do feel for you (desperate times and all that) but I don't know if this is the best approach to get help, especially on a forum where money tends to be the main reason why people can't be with their significant others. I doubt many people here would have anything to spare. Alarm bells ring when you say you were going to use the rent money to pay for the visa - what money would you use for rent then?

    Good luck, I hope things work out for you guys.


      I would like to help but my financials are already stretched as it is. Every cent that I'll save from now on will be going to my Study Exchange kitty (to temporarily close the distance with my GF as well).

      I'm also skeptical as to how you were going to pay for the visa as well. Unless you have a grouchy landlord, wouldn't he/she be harassing you for the money once you're already behind/due to pay? Surely you two would have accounted for this situation when you closed the distance right?

      Good luck to you two. Hopefully you won't need to be deported.


        we werent behind on the rent, but due to having to pay the rent, bills, food for us the cats and the dogs is the reason were a little strapped for cash this month


          Is it possible to get a temporary extension on your overdraft?


            I agree with Molly, I would love to help but I'm already counting pennies as it is. Is it possible to borrow money from friends or family? Or get a micro-loan at the bank? $678 doesn't sound like such an impossible sum to raise. Maybe you could also organise something like a car boot sale.

            Like any great relationship, it just gets better and better as the years roll on. - Steve Jobs


              I'm going to be blunt here and you'll be angry and possibly hate me, but I think I can deal with that.

              Those are things you sort out before you start the visa process. And I know for sure people here have 'warned' you about it and it boggles my mind. I wonder if I'm the only one who saw this coming?

              The landlord isn't "harassing" you for rent. You live somewhere, you pay for it. You can't use that money for something else. You know, if you had a job and your boss decided to use your wage money to pay for something else and not pay you, would you be ok with that?
              "Oh I'm sorry you worked for free this month, but I had to feet my cat, horse and buy gas."
              The landlord is offering you a service (letting you live in his apartment) and as long as you're taking advantage of that service you pay for it, because that's how our society works.

              Visas suck and I'm genuinely truly sorry for you. But the information is out there and you knew how much it was going to cost. Even I have a vague idea about how much visas cost, just from reading here and I never even needed one.
              I understand how much you want to be together, I think everyone here does. We are or were all in a long distance relationship and know what it feels like.
              But if you can't afford to close the distance, you can't close it. There are reasons the visa requirements are what they are. And It's precisely so you don't end up in a strange country, without money to even afford groceries or electricity. You can't rely on the help of an online communit to be able to afford the visa. That is unresponsible and the sort of behaviour that makes it more difficult for everyone to get a visa.

              If you need more money, take out a loan or help Denise find a second job (I assume you aren't allowed to work?). Give away the cats if you can't afford them. If it's still not enough, then it's time to face the fact that at this very moment, you can't afford to close the distance

              I'm sorry if I was a bitch here and I honestly hope that things work out for you two. Best of luck.

              Być tam, zawsze tam, gdzie Ty.


                I gotta agree with Dziubka. I get that this is a really awful situation and I am so sorry you are in it. I hope that you find a way to come up with the money, but I don't think asking on this forum is the right way to do it.


                  Also, did you exhaust all possible options before you came to the forum for help? We only want what's best for you two and if you can't pay for the visa fees right now, you shouldn't be closing the distance.

                  On what you said Caitlin, I'm sure that the landlord wasn't actually harassing you. From my rental experiences, I would have only been harassed unless I was unreliable in paying my rent on time or I was overdue by more than a week.


                    While i can understand why people are upset over this (I've got the visa process to go through soon and money has been a HUGE factor) i dont think being mean about them asking is helpful.
                    If you dont have anything nice to say, dont say anything at all kinda deal.

                    Wishing you all the best and i hope you get the cash together soon. If i could I'd give you all the money you need but consider the cats and dogs fed.
                    As long as there is air in my lungs... there is a chance


                      I agree with everyone else. We are all in or were in LDR's and we use all of our extra money to pay for our visits to see our SO's. I'm sorry that this is happening to you guys but, I feel like when you plan to close the distance especially in an international LDR you would do extensive planning and saving before doing so. I would never close the distance with my SO if I did not have the finances to do so comfortably. Like others have said, try getting a loan from the bank or maybe asking family for a loan. If you can't do that maybe try getting a cash-in-hand job that way you don't have to wait for a check. Good luck with everything. I hope things work out.

                      Met Online: 02/2012
                      Started talking privately: 09/20/2012
                      First Met in person: 09/22/2012
                      Started Dating: 10/30/2012
                      Closed the Distance 4/24/2013


                        Sorry Caitlin, I've got my own pets, oil, rent, electricity, gas, etc. to pay for, and figuring out how to budget for my next plane ticket. I honestly wish you luck, but if I recall, this isn't the first time you planned to skip your rent to pay for something visit related. I really think you guys need some help learning to budget, it might be worth reaching out for that too, so you won't get stuck in this situation again. I hope you can find the money you need.
                        Our separation of each other is an optical illusion of consciousness. ~Albert Einstein


                          I really hope you can find a way to figure your economical situation out, and I would love to help if I could, but right now I'm on an extremely tight budget myself as well and every single penny I make goes into saving for my own visits and such, and paying for school-related things, clothes, food and so on. Hope it sorts out for you guys though!

                          Met online: February 2011
                          Met the first time: August 16, 2011


                            Originally posted by Moon View Post
                            Sorry Caitlin, I've got my own pets, oil, rent, electricity, gas, etc. to pay for, and figuring out how to budget for my next plane ticket. I honestly wish you luck, but if I recall, this isn't the first time you planned to skip your rent to pay for something visit related. I really think you guys need some help learning to budget, it might be worth reaching out for that too, so you won't get stuck in this situation again. I hope you can find the money you need.

                            um....that was awhile ago.....and frankly we have been budgeting, it was unexpected for how much it was going to be, and you bringing that one incident up is not fair


                              Originally posted by Caitlin2009 View Post
                              um....that was awhile ago.....and frankly we have been budgeting, it was unexpected for how much it was going to be, and you bringing that one incident up is not fair
                              How was that unfair? I wasn't trying to be unfair, I'm sorry if you see it that way. I was only suggesting that, since this has been an issue before, maybe you should look into getting a little help with budget planning, that's all. You had to have known that visa wouldn't be cheap. I'm not picking on you, Caitlin, I sincerely hope you find some way to come up with the cash, but you know as well as anybody that we're all trying to find ways to save for our own visits. LDR's are quite expensive, and I think it's a little unfair of you to ask, knowing what we all go through, due to a lack of planning and research on your part. Again, I'm sorry I can't help you monetarily, good luck with the visa.
                              Our separation of each other is an optical illusion of consciousness. ~Albert Einstein

