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quirky couple?

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    quirky couple?

    Michael and I are quirky people (my mom just says weird :P ) but we do some really fun and quirky things, like sometimes when one of us kisses the other ones cheek we lick them really fast then say lizard kiss! and we high five, like a lot, like about everything, we says its probably lost any meaning because of us now. alot of times we say coitus really loud then smack 5! haha.
    and lots of other weird things.

    but my favorite quirky thing we do is brown bear and corona n lime. They are teddy bears we made each other from build a bear, we call them our kids and take them EVERYWHERE! brown bear has one to NYC and gotten pictures done on time square, he went to the HP7P2 premiere dressed up, they both have facebooks. Its really just alot of fun, everyone in my family loves them. My dad even added them on FB. haha

    What kind of quirky things do you and your SO do?
    Last edited by elizabethjp2010; February 11, 2013, 12:41 PM.

    O we have a lot of weird things that we do to each other. The men in his family have a terrible habit of picking their SOs there's that. We both try our hardest to poke each other in the belly button, mostly bc it bothers me lol. But we also created a licking game. One of us typically starts by licking the tip of the other persons nose. Then its a race til 5. We can lick the nose or chin with our tongue or lick our finger and get the point that way.

    We are both weirdly perfect for each other lol.
    "You want for myself
    You get me like no one else
    I am beautiful with you

    I am beautiful with you
    Even in the darkest part of me
    I am beautiful with you
    Make it feel the way it's supposed to be
    You're here with me
    Just show me this and I'll believe
    I am beautiful with you"



      We play pranks on each other all the time, xD! and we have pillow fights, play video games ectect. I think you have to be able to have fun with your so and make them laugh ^.^

      I also do this cute thing where he'll kiss my cheek/or nose and ill be like "You missed:o" so he'll kiss me xP
      Made it official: 12-01-10
      First visit: 3-29-13/4-09-13
      Closed the distance: 07-31-13


        I love this thread! I want to hear more.
        We have our own words and names for things/people either by accident (one is caused by autocorrect) or then the name/word has just come about while chatting etc. It's fun as its our thing And we tease each other A LOT, it goes both ways, love it
        We haven't spent that much time together (in the same place) that we would have come up with that much weird
        But we are both weirdos with funny habbits.


          It's quite refreshing to read this thread.. for a moment we thought we were the only weird couple out there lol, we do the licking games too and poking the bellybuttons all time and annoying each other when we're playing something, not to mention many sexy times ruined due to uncontrollable laughing episodes (mostly my laughing.. poor guy). We even ended up with the expression "best couple ever" whenever we do something weird

          * my avatar certainly matches the thread *
          Last edited by rina; February 11, 2013, 05:18 PM. Reason: typos! gah!


            My SO and I sort of double kiss when they're just pecks, and he has a habit of tickling me with his facial hair so I lick him for pay back. :P

            Met: 8.17.09
            Started Dating: 8.20.09
            First Met: 10.2.10
            Closed the Distance: 8.9.14


              I used to play cat/baby panda with my ex. I'd knead his stomach and pretend to make sucky sounds to creep him out. I would also ask for koala hugs, which basically meant he'd stand over me on all fours, I'd wrap my arms and legs around his middle, and he'd pull me up like a koala bear. We also got this umbrella that became a source of entertainment for me (it was a gun, metal detector, and invisi-shield all at once). Oh, and when I was over in August, I befriended a spider I named King George II. The cat I befriended I called "The Princess" (until King George II was murdered by my ex, and then she was the queen, so I made her a crown), and then there was a little doggy who loved me who was the royal court jester. I feel like a lot of it was me and he played along, but he played along well. We didn't do the random lick thing (unless I wanted to gross him out/torture him) cause I can't stand being licked, but one morning he tried to convince me to have sex when I wanted to go shower and so when playing with my breasts with his mouth he claimed to be "cleaning them." From then on out, when I was in the mood, I would say, "wanna clean my boobs? " or "I need to be cleaned!" Sexy, I know.


                I am LOVING this thread!

                My SO and I have our weird/funny moments as well. We try to poke each other in the belly button, poke in general, and he finds every means possible to tickle me. We often talk to each other by quoting funny lines we catch when we watch youtube videos. For awhile it was Red vs Blue and now we've moved on to these Batman videos by collegehumor. xD If we aren't doing that we talk to each other in this odd voice where we pronounce things if we were little. Like "I love you" = "I wove you", "that" = "dat", etc etc. To top it off we are that couple that will make a scene about who is paying for lunch, but its all funny to us. :P haha
                "You will always have my heart, no matter how far we're apart" ~ Jacob


                  My boyfriend has a habbit of typing waaaay too fast so he misspells words and we keep using them. One time he said I was beastiful so from there on I am forever beastiful. Or I typed "I wasn't creepy until I met you" when I meant "I wasn't crazy until I met you".. today we discovered the evolution of poop:
                  him: pp
                  him: pop
                  him: poop
                  him: yaay
                  me: the evolution of poop
                  him: starts as peepee
                  him: pp

                  Relationship began: 05/22/2012
                  First Met: 03/21/2013 - 03/30/2013
                  Second Visit: 06/06/2013 - 08/21/2013 ~ Proposal: 07/06/2013 ♥
                  Third Visit: 10/09/2013 - 01/08/2013
                  Closed the distance: 11/20/2014 ♥
                  Married: 1/24/2015
                  Became Resident: 9/14/2015


                    We also have LOTS of nick names/pet names for each other. Some really cute/funny ones, some really weird ones.


                      love all those, i used to touch michaels belly button, but it drove him UP THE WALL! so we stopped that.
                      sometimes if one of us is kissing the other in we plug their nose and breath in their air saying harry potter, we call it dementors kissing each other!


                        Originally posted by elizabethjp2010 View Post
                        love all those, i used to touch michaels belly button, but it drove him UP THE WALL! so we stopped that.
                        sometimes if one of us is kissing the other in we plug their nose and breath in their air saying harry potter, we call it dementors kissing each other!
                        haha .. that's great.. I wish there was a like option on this forum so I could like this .. here's a clap instead

                        quirkiness.... not so much.. I am trying to convert him though ...I tell him very stupid silly jokes....which initially only amused me, but then with time, because i persisted, they started amusing him too


                          We have the same weird unpolitically correct sence of humour. I'm sure no one else would get our jokes and chatting sessions.


                            The belly button thing grosses me out so much, I have an irrational fear about my belly button being touched (the thought makes me so nauseous) so my SO know to steer well clear from that! But we do weird things all the time. One thing that stands out is when he came to visit me in the USA. We just started dancing round the kitchen singing "Apple Juice!". LOL!
                            Si tu n'etais pas la
                            Comment pourrais-je vivre
                            Je ne connaitrais pas
                            Ce bonheur qui m'enivre
                            Quand je suis dans tes bras
                            Mon coeur joyeux se livre
                            Comment pourrais-je vivre
                            Si tu n'etais pas la

                            Love that will not betray you, dismay or enslave you. It will set you free.
                            Home could be anywhere when I am holding you

                            "DONT RUIN MY DREAM OF MINITURE HIPPOS"


                              Originally posted by summerkid View Post
                              haha .. that's great.. I wish there was a like option on this forum so I could like this .. here's a clap instead
                              HAHA THANKS!

