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Hola! I'm back again !!!

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    Hola! I'm back again !!!

    It’s been a long time not being around here! So many things has happened. ok here’s a resume of these last months...
    September 2012- the relationship with my SO starts going downhill very bad
    October 2012- SO comes back to the states after being 2 years stationed in a USMC base in Japan.
    couple of days after he’s back, he finally calls n breaks up w me.
    Few days after that he tries to contact me while I’m trying to move on under a total depression n disappointment.
    Finally i decided to start answering n talking to him again. weeks go by while im trying to understand him n the situation, lots of crying n
    pain total heartbroken but never lost fate.

    mid November -we decided that i was gonna drive to Cali (where hes stationed now) as we had planned even before we started going downhill, i felt i
    really needed to make the long trip to see him n find answers to all my questions, suspicions thoughts. i went with an open mind knowing
    that i could of comeback w a happy heart again or even worse.
    spent a week there, bitter/sweet. in the middle of the week i found out that he had actually cheated on me emotionally, caught txts n pictures of the supposedly friend.
    when he had no more to hide, we break down on a huge argument n i started packing again n kept repeating to myself not to listen to him n just move on. he literally begged me asking for forgiveness, he keeled he cried! (first time i ever saw him crying) that night he we slept in different rooms. Next morning i was actually about to leave and all that time he was still begging explaining and accepting his mistakes.
    maybe i should of make him suffer the way he did etc but i couldn’t... i decide to forgive him not for the one thing he had done wrong but for the thousand more he had done right.

    January 18 2013- we meet up half ways for the weekend, its 8 hours drive for me and 7 for him. everything went smooth and perfect, lots of love hehe.
    and last valentine’s weekend, met up same place again, went beyond perfect =)

    although those downhill months were so extremely painful and emotionally-mentally-heartbroken for me, i n we think that somehow we needed (or not) something like that to happen to re validate and appreciate better what we had and save our love and relationship. the first weeks after we re conciliated was very hard on me mainly because trusting him to a %100
    hasn’t being easy, but we both have a lot more patience now, a lot more care, respect and love so we can keep our beautiful relationship going on to the top. we r so happy right now, we have lots of plans and dreams together. i can honestly say that i notice great changes and efforts on him, he is working hard to redeem his mistakes and make it up to me and us.
    another awesome change is that now that he is in the states we have being able to see each other more often, now we don’t have to wait over a year to meet, and it’s incredible every time we are together! thou im not gonna lie, i should be used to it but each time when we say see you soon n we start driving separate ways i break down n cry :'( then i get over it and start singing to distract myself haha. another good one is that we have the same time zone! we often fall asleep on the phone together.
    P.S. we decided that we r gonna keep counting since our original anniversary date

    Well my friends’ im so excited to b back and share our happiness with all of you here again. Here’s my Facebook link if anyone wants to add me