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What brought you two together?

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    What brought you two together?

    you all know what i'm talking about! what's that one special thing (or perhaps more than one!) that brought you and your partner together?

    for me and my boyfriend, it was our taste in music, ESPECIALLY the band muse! we both love music and play the guitar.

    Well to be honest, my friend "married" us on msn. And just because of that we talked more and more til it was everyday. And talking everyday and having little "husband and wife activities" the feelings grew and grew until we were in love, yay


      It all began with his FB post about wanting coffee syrup. With me being in New England, I was able to grant that wish. We had gone to the same HS but different grades. He remember's so much about me...I don't remember him at all...Hmmm. We started chatting......


        that's so adorable!


          He searched people who like the band Of Montreal on the dating site that we were both on, and my name came up because I had it in my music. He sent me a message about the band and we just started talking from there. He really doesn't listen to them that much anymore though and it makes me sad because I wanted to see them in concert with him lol! I like a lot of the music that he listens to, but I have a lot broader range in my musical tastes, so a lot of my music is a bit too young for him, or he thinks it is too girly/poppy, which is fine because you do not have to have everything in common


            Writing, oddly enough. We're both members of the forum Gaia Online and I had joined a roleplay (it's basically storytelling and you act as a character in the story's plot, real good way to improve your writing) one of his friends ran and he was hands down the best writer. That was when I was 14 and even though we talked we never got close until I was 18 when I joined one HE made. We became really close in January when he asked me to help run one and we were talking every day. We share other interests just as closely, but writing was the one that brought us together and let us see just how similar we are to one another.


              lol it all began on Twitter, mutual friend of ours was pretending to be all mushy with friend love and Denise was like "I can feel the love in the room!" and i mentioned pulling everybody into a group hug and getting out lighters to wave in the air lol, and it all started from there, she kept on leaving messages on my twitter and we would go and forth on that then we started doing it on facebook. the rest is all history


                Originally posted by Bluestars View Post
                He searched people who like the band Of Montreal on the dating site that we were both on, and my name came up because I had it in my music. He sent me a message about the band and we just started talking from there. He really doesn't listen to them that much anymore though and it makes me sad because I wanted to see them in concert with him lol! I like a lot of the music that he listens to, but I have a lot broader range in my musical tastes, so a lot of my music is a bit too young for him, or he thinks it is too girly/poppy, which is fine because you do not have to have everything in common
                i totally relate! my bf doesn't like muse that much anymore because he's really disappointed with their new stuff (i am too, but i still love their music!) so we did actually see muse in concert in march, and i was disappointed when he didn't have as much fun as i hoped. but you're right, by this point, we have so much in common and such a good relationship that it doesn't matter that much what our favorite bands are

                and you guys, your stories are so romantic!


                  Well we play World of Warcraft together and use Ventrillo for voicechat. He is a great player and so it was his confidence/arrogance combined with his Texan accent that did it for me.
                  Last edited by Èternity; July 29, 2010, 12:28 AM.


                    Well, we met on a MUD (Multi User Dungeon for those who don't know) and became friends. Lost touch for a year and a half, reconnected and as they say, the rest is history.


                      I am for ever in the debt of


                        I would say it was our sense of humor and mutual like for cuddling. His personality and sense of humor were two major things that made me fall for him even harder. He has a sense of humor like mine. He is like the other half to my jokes if that makes sense lol He gets me and has since I met him.


                          He decided to talk to me because I was on Gaia with an Obama 08 siggy. We got closer because of Star Wars. It gets weirder from there :P.


                            Role play, and a similar humour I guess... and the love of recieveing attention!
                            Happily married to the little Canadian boy I never thought I'd meet in person


                              The love for fan fictions, stalking, good conversations and cybersex. Thinking back... it was a perfect way to meet. I never thought that this one day would change my whole life. For the better.

