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Almost ready to move...

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    Almost ready to move...

    The back story...

    My gf and I met through a mutual friend when she was on vacation in New York where I live. We clicked immediately. We found out we were from the same town, went to the same HS, had some of the same friends...she is 4 years younger than I am, which is probably why we never crossed paths before.

    We spent a lot of time together while she was here. We were texting and calling each other frequently once she got back. I made plans to come out and visit her as well as some family about a month after she left. I came out, we had an amazing time...and decided to try a LDR. I have never had a relationship more than a two hour drive away, and she has had a few LDR's (several states away).

    The next few months were great. We spoke on the phone every night for several hours, used facetime, texted constantly. It was the epitome of the "honeymoon phase." Since my job allowed me to take trips more often than she was able to, I was traveling to California every three weeks or so to see her. For her xmas present, I surprised her with plane tickets out here for christmas and new years for 10 days (I made sure the dates worked out ahead of time), and took care of everything. We were both ecstatic and seemed deeply in love.

    January was great as well. I flew back out at the end of January for my birthday. We had a blast as usual. On the ride back to the airport, she asked me about if I would consider moving back. I always said I was considering a move back to California soon, just not our home town (where she still lives, and will be starting a career as soon as she finishes school.)

    We had a long talk a few days after I got back to NY, and she said she wanted to know where we were going and if I was really going to move back. She said she did not want to keep doing the LDR thing any longer, as most of her relationships have been LDR. So we would have to figure something out and live close to each other. She said she was a bit hurt when I said I did not really want to move back to our hometown, even if she was there. She also said that it seemed that we did not talk as much on the phone, or facetime as much. I agreed and said I would try harder to make more time for her. I did softened my stance after she asked me about moving back the first time, and wrote her a very deep and long email telling her that I will try my hardest to make this work, and I decided to move back to be close to her sooner, and that I am ok with staying in our hometown to start for a year or so as long as she is open to moving elsewhere. (her career will allow her to work anywhere in CA eventually, but she has to start out close to home.)

    Things were great after the email and talks afterwards. The day before valentines day comes around, and she was having a bad day at school and was being very short with me and a bit distant. I sensed it, and asked her what was wrong...and she went on a rant about how she is stressed with school and her test coming up at the end of march, and stressed because she is missing me. She sounded like she may not be sure if she can handle it all. I talked her through it, gave her a little pep talk...and when she got home, there were flowers and a present waiting for her. She cried and said she was so sorry for yelling at me, and she loved me immensely. Things were going great.

    Then, this past week she has been distant. We usually texted good morning to each other, a few messages in the afternoon, and then talked on the phone after she was done with school for about an hour. Then a long call or maybe facetime before bed. It was down to good morning...and thats almost it. MAYBE a call later in the day for about 15 minutes. She warned me ahead of time that she was overwhelmed with school, and that March was going to be an insane month for her. She also got into a huge fight with her best friend and they stopped talking altogether. So I knew she was having a bad week, so Monday I had flowers delivered to her home...she got them when she got home (havent talked to her all day besides good morning), and she said thank you for the flowers, it meant a lot to her that I would think about her and send those...and that she hopes that I understand she is under a lot of pressure with school, and is down about the fight with her best friend. She said she knows she's been a bit distant, and apologizes, but not to take it personal because of everything she is dealing with.

    I get it. I know she is overwhelmed, and it's a very stressful time. I have no problem giving her some space. I just have never been in a LDR this far away, and the say I see it...we have enough space (2700 miles) between us as it is. I know she is not busy, shes playing around on facebook until midnight. No call/txt to me at all during that time.

    The thing is, I am moving back in a month, so I am not taking my monthly trip back. I arrive the day after her big test.

    I'm not moving back for her per say, I was going to move back to CA anyways...but, I would have waited a few more months if it were not for her.

    After my relationship memoir above, I am just wondering what to do. Should I tell her my exact feelings, and that I feel I am being ignored...or should I just let it go and chalk it up to her being stressed, and give her some space that she seems to be wanting? I am the kind of person who wears my heart on my sleeve, so it is hard for me to put my emotions aside at times...but I feel that may be the best thing for the next 30 days...


    Chalk it up to her being stressed. When she's playing around on facebook at night, it means she's allowing a level of disengagement from awareness--in other words, she's vegging out. She doesn't do that when she talks to you (hopefully), and I'm guessing she just wants some time where she doesn't have to think too deeply at night.

    She loves you; just being supportive of her and providing a listening ear is the best thing you can do for her right now.

    Good luck, and fabulous job on the flowers!
    "I love thee to the depth, and breadth, and height my soul can reach..." ~Elizabeth Barrett Browning


      I agree, she's just stressed, I don't think you have anything to worry about
      We all need some time now and again to 'switch off', and maybe the time she's spending on Facebook really is the only time she's getting to herself right now.
      It sounds like you're being very supportive, and thats great, just hold on a bit longer, I'm sure she'll come back to you


        Thanks for the responses!

        A little update...

        We talked two days later, and she told me she thinks we should put things on hold until I move back out. She said she is feeling a lot of pressure that I'm moving out just for her, I've reassured her that its not just her, it's mainly for me. She is definitely a top 10 reason I'm moving back though.

        She also stated that she's worried about my motivation/ambition level. All she has seen is me working in a high paying job that I don't really enjoy. Which is part of the reason I am leaving. The last job I had before that went sour and I stayed longer than I should have. She said its seems like I am just OK with being mediocre and just comfortable. Which isn't the case at all, and I got a little upset. I told her she hasn't known me long enough to actually see the type of person I am. That turned into her saying she apparently doesn't really know me at all, and that she was upset I never told her my worries and ambitions (I recently turned 30, and it hit me like a ton of bricks.)

        I explained to her that she has mentioned for months that the months of feb and march would be super I decided to not tell her what I'm struggling with so she doesn't have my feelings and stuff to worry about as well. She took that as I don't trust her, and she said she would rather hear my problems to get her mind off of hers. I had good intentions, but she doesn't see that.

        She said she thinks it's best that we just concentrate on ourselves until I move back...and continue it when I get there.

        After the talk, I couldn't sleep. I sent her an email. It was very personal in nature. A lot of things no one really knows about me. Stuff in my past that has had an influence in a lot of things I do.

        I prefaced it saying that I was writing it because I felt I owed her some of this information because she cared enough about me to call me out about my ambition and drive. I definitely am a driven person, but she has not seen it. I moved to NY to find myself, with all intentions to move back to California eventually. I was in a job for 4 years with the last year being horrible, I got depressed, and decided a move would shake things up. I left with some money saved up, no job, and a couch to crash on. within a year, i turned it into a high paying job, a great apartment and the experience of a lifetime. It was the best thing I ever did. I got my confidence back and I've been feeling like a million bucks.

        I told her I wasn't expecting even a reply from the email, I just wanted to give her some insight to who I am and what I've dealt with.

        She sent me a text in the morning saying she saw my email, but hasn't read it yet as she was just getting to school. Said she will read it, and wished me a good day.

        I've never actually had a "break" from someone...and a LDR break less than a month before I move seems crazy. I just don't know what to think...she's a very outspoken person and dry straightforward, so I believe it when she says it's not to date anyone else and things like that. I trust her completely.

        I just don't know what to think. I'm floored she wants to take a break a month before I move. I'm still moving either way in 30 days.

