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Her first relationship. Her first kiss.

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    Her first relationship. Her first kiss.

    THIS MAKES ME EXTREMELY NERVOUS!!!!! I am so sorry if this post seems so scrambled and crazy by the way. So, my girlfriend has never been in a relationship before which makes it incredible to me that she would want to be in a long distance relationship having it be her first actual serious relationship but my girlfriend is amazing so yeah its great. I guess I just dont want to somehow mess things up and ruin everything. But I know with the plans we have this relationship is built to last. But what makes me REALLY nervous is the fact that her first kiss will be with me when she comes to visit in June. I have NEVER been so nervous about a kiss. I want things to be PERFECT. She has been joking around with me about kissing me and it makes me smile and gives me butterflies but it makes me EXTREMELY NERVOUS. Any helpful advice or tips?
    Love knows no boundaries.

    My first serious relationship was long distance. Sometimes it's just where you are in life.

    I think it's cute that you're nervous, but really, there's no need to be! First kisses are not always perfect, nor do they need to be. There will be more kisses.

    The best thing you can do is wait until she feels ready. Make sure she knows that you don't want to push her into anything and that you respect her boundaries. Talk about it with her beforehand and maybe discuss ways you can indicate to each other what your intentions are-- for example, if she wants you to kiss her, she might tell you directly or... I don't know, tug on your ear :P something to give you the green light. You can also just tell her that you want to kiss her whenever that moment comes and give her the option of saying no if she doesn't feel ready (but be totally okay with it because you respect and love her). Be open with each other and communicate... and try not to put too much pressure on making the moment perfect. Just go with the flow, it feels much better!
    Last edited by kittyo9; March 2, 2013, 10:32 PM.
    Canadian permanent residence APPROVED!
    Closed the Distance: 09/26/2019
    Engaged: 09/26/2020


      Originally posted by kittyo9 View Post
      My first serious relationship was long distance. Sometimes it's just where you are in life.

      I think it's cute that you're nervous, but really, there's no need to be! First kisses are not always perfect, nor do they need to be. There will be more kisses.

      The best thing you can do is wait until she feels ready. Make sure she knows that you don't want to push her into anything and that you respect her boundaries. Talk about it with her beforehand and maybe discuss ways you can indicate to each other what your intentions are-- for example, if she wants you to kiss her, she might tell you directly or... I don't know, tug on your ear :P something to give you the green light. You can also just tell her that you want to kiss her whenever that moment comes and give her the option of saying no if she doesn't feel ready (but be totally okay with it because you respect and love her). Be open with each other and communicate... and try not to put too much pressure on making the moment perfect. Just go with the flow, it feels much better!
      Thank you so much for your advice. We have talked about it before and how we both imagine it and stuff. She understands that I respect her and would never want to do anything to make her feel pressured or uncomfortable. She seems to be a lot less nervous than I am lol. There are other factors (for lack of a better word) that make me nervous about her coming here and kissing her and stuff and the main one is that she is in a wheelchair. She doesn't have much strength in her legs and arms (but she is starting to try to walk again with the use of her walker and I AM SOOOOOO PROUD OF HER) but I guess Im just nervous about messing up (wow that sounds stupid) or making things really awkward or stuff.....I think im over thinking this lol.
      Love knows no boundaries.


        I'm Dan's first girlfriend! I can't wait to be his first everything <3 Its exciting for me and him because, well...we love each other! Plus teaching is fun ;D Don't stress about it!
        Made it official: 12-01-10
        First visit: 3-29-13/4-09-13
        Closed the distance: 07-31-13


          aww how cute. My SO now was my first kiss too, first bf now fiance, first everything as well. And it started as a long distance relationship. It took us two years to meet. I say don't stress about it, what matters is that you love her and treat her right, things don't have to be perfect, to be special. It's the unplaned parts that you look back on and remember.
          My own experiance, I was nervous, and thought he would have to kiss me first. But I ended up kissing him haha. Was amazing, unplanned and a caught in the moment memory, and I love it. So I would say relax and not worry about it, just enjoy being together. <3
          I love you Nathan <3
          5/25/09 <3


            Aww! My boyfriend was my first relationship and first kiss and I got so lucky because he is amazing!

            Prior to our first visit, we talked about it a lot, whether we'd kiss or hug or whatever. I remember he said he wanted to kiss me. I think I was scared that I'd be too nervous too. But we talked about it so much and when we met, he was so real and so him, and he came up and hugged me and we kissed somewhere between then and then on the train. It wasn't bad or scary at all because I knew he was the same man I talked to online and when we were together it was so perfect and he was so comforting and sweet and I was so excited and happy to be there with him. We had a little over a year of talking before we met for the first time, and about 2 months from the time I booked the ticket to when I flew to talk about it all. I think you just have to relax and let it come naturally, and make sure you don't pressure her ever. And don't feel offended if she's not ready.


              I was my SO's first kiss as well and I was nervous too. I didn't want to push or pressure and I wanted to make sure she was ready. Well as it turns out she kissed me first and it was the best kiss I've ever had. hehe Just relax and feel her vibe. Never push her. Just go with the flow!

              "True love isn't about being inseparable; it’s about two people being true to each other even when they are separated."
              Married April 18th, 2015!!
              Distance Closed October 4th, 2015!!


                Hee hee.. I should tease my SO about this- we're sort of in the same position ourselves.

                Advice wise, though? Hm.. catch her by surprise, maybe. Wait until the right time (ie. don't run up to her the first time you meet and land a wet smooch). Tease her a bit. Let your instincs guide you~

