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First "I love you"?

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    First "I love you"?

    Last night we talked on Skype, like we do almost every night. We usually end up talking all night, but he didn't get to stay as long as usual because he had some stuff to take care of this morning. So when he had to go to bed, I was just laying there in my bed, not sleepy or anything. I couldn't quit thinking about him so I sent him a really long email telling him how much I cared about him, etc. We've talked about how we feel but the "L" bomb hadn't been dropped yet, and I was honestly waiting on him to say it first. When I checked my email earlier today I had a reply from him, telling me that he knew how I felt because he felt the same way about me, and then he said, "I think I don't just like you, I think I love you, really." I've pretty much been on cloud nine all day, haha.

    So, there's my story, now...what's yours?

    I knew that I was falling in love with my SO when I met her for the first time. We spent five weeks together and after the second or third week we were lying on the bed, close to each other, and I told her that I'm falling in love with her. She started crying; out of happiness. We didn't mention it after that and a few weeks after I was back home again... I couldn't keep it inside anymore. I knew that I loved her and so I sent her a recording; talking about my feelings and saying those three little words. She sent a recording back and said "I love you" too. More than once. It made me so unbelievably happy.


      Aww that is a sweet story


        Aww that's cute :>

        Meeeeee and Sam felt like we loved each other.. quite a while before we met, but we wanted to wait and say it when we were together.. face to face. There were.. oh so many times when I/we just wanted to say it but I'm so glad we waited.
        He came here first to see me and.. we were at the airport hugging and being all O______o because we were finally together x) ♥ and after a while he said "guess what?" and at that point I guess I kinda knew what he would say.. but I said "what" and he looked me in the eyes and said "I love you". And I said it back and.. god, the feeling.. it was amazing ♥

        Mmmmmmm ♥ I swear I'll never forget that moment, it's one of the best moments of my life for sure.


          heh well i knew long before i said it, i knew i loved her when i first started talking to her but one night i got the courage to tell her because for days i was trying to get up the courage to say it, i was saying good night to her like i always do and i said something like this "have a good night....i love you....and i really really really do love you so much!" and she responded "I love you too, you have no idea how much i love you as well" and it all started from there <3 <3 <3


            Originally posted by NaNi View Post
            I knew that I was falling in love with my SO when I met her for the first time. We spent five weeks together and after the second or third week we were lying on the bed, close to each other, and I told her that I'm falling in love with her. She started crying; out of happiness. We didn't mention it after that and a few weeks after I was back home again... I couldn't keep it inside anymore. I knew that I loved her and so I sent her a recording; talking about my feelings and saying those three little words. She sent a recording back and said "I love you" too. More than once. It made me so unbelievably happy.
            FREAKIN CUTE!!!!


              It makes me so happy to share my first "I love you" exchange my SO and I had with you all!

              After months of being best friends, we finally had our first kiss in May 2007. It was a Monday night/Tuesday morning. We were walking home together as the sun came up, the most spectacular setting possible. The Tuesday night, my boyfriend was hosting a social in his house and although we had some time together that night, we had our official first date on the Wednesday.

              We went for a picnic overlooking Dublin bay, tartan rug, treats and refreshments galore! We happily chatted, laughed and snuggled together. The next thing I remember is him turning to me, gently brushing my hair from my face, looking deeply into my eyes and sharing those infamous three words with me. I was not expecting him to say it, but it came as no surprise either! Calmly, I told him thank you. But I couldn't keep a straight face and I was only too happy to return those words!

              Some might think that a first date is far too early to sincerely exchange those words. However, in our case, both of us were being entirely honest about how we felt. From our first kiss, we have shared the purest of love for one another; always wanting to be there, wanting the best for each other, supporting, encouraging and always caring for one another.

              That night by the seashore, a middle aged couple approached us. They wanted to let us know how cute we were together and that they were delighted to see that romance is not dead and gone... It was just one of those perfect moments that neither of us could have scripted!

              The following day, the Thursday, my boyfriend flew to NY for the summer. While we were apart, we were in touch all of the time. Hundreds of emails a week, phone calls, text messages, instant messaging, facebook etc. Since his return home, August 2007, we've been inseparable. That is until 16 days from now, when we'll be separated, divided by the Atlantic Ocean all over again!


                Aww I love to hear all of your stories


                  I love this thread. Lovely stories and I like that some people have said they like our story


                    The night he asked me out he had basically told me I was most likely going to make him face the thing he feared most, the L word. I thought maybe he was just joking and hadn't given it much thought. Not quite a month later we both ended up sick, he had taken on a 103 degree Fahrenheit fever from being overworked and I caught the flu days later, I think more out of sympathy than actual illness even though mine lasted 2 weeks after he got better. We usually spent most of our time teasing each other and inbetween we'd have serious discussions. One I had mentioned I sing and he begged me to record something for him so one morning in March when I didn't sound so nasally and I wasn't coughing I did and waited until he got home around 10pm. I actually got really self conscious and after finally giving him the youtube link I tried batting off any compliments (this being when I was terrible about receiving compliments and countered them all with either "nuh uh" or some insult) but it quickly moved away from the subject after I started teasing him about something and it dropped into a very serious moment that ended with him telling me he wanted me to get better because nothing, not even a cold, was allowed to hurt me. I had already wanted to scream the three words for the past week but I was so shy and scared of rejection I stayed silent. But in turn I told him, rather possessively, that no one else would be allowed to have him. He was surprised but told me that I did have all of him, and I told him the same. Then for several minutes he kept fumbling with what to type, would start stuff and trail off with ellipses, and was getting fairly frustrated. I caught on to the pattern and simply said "I know." Neither of us really got to say it that night because we were both pretty scared, but after that we eased into saying it and letting it take on more meaning each time.

                    I found it quite funny afterwards because my SO displays himself as very confident, almost arrogant though he will act down to earth but really he's just as lost sometimes as I am. Which you think, a 6 foot something black guy who knows several martial arts and has been in the military, you can't really imagine that bad-ass person fumbling to even type 3 words at 11 at night.


                      I'm just gonna put the screenshot of the email on here. It's a little long and drawn out, but the best part is his reply, on the bottom. I love reading his emails anyway, since his English isn't the best. It just makes me smile because I can hear it in his voice and I love that


                        I love all y'all's stories!!

                        Well I had told Mark that i wasn't going to be the one to say it first, the first time. So we had been sick and had stayed home from work. Not with eachother, but at our own homes. Well, we spent a lot of time together. One night I had told him of this song "Keeper of the Stars" and that I really liked it. We listened to it a couple of times. The next day, I was listening to it again on youtube and I made a comment that said. "love is a beautiful thing. Even though me and the man of my dreams haven't said it to one another, I know he loves me too" So then that night, we talked about our feelings again..and it still hadn't come up. I was really thinking that it would. I was hoping for it. Well, it didn't happen and right before we hung up, I told him to check that song again, and then email me and tell me if he could tell what comment was mine. The next morning, I had an email from him and it said Yes it is, and I feel it too.

                        So that night, I was really hoping he would tell me on the phone. We were talking about feelings again, and he finally said "Holli?" I said "ya" He said "I love you" I could not speak. I had this flood of warmth fill my whole body...i had never been speachless, but at that point i was. I started crying...and he just sat there..waiting for my reply..but I couldn't tell him...then after about 5 minutes he was like hello? I said Mark, I am speechless..he said its ok, take your time. And I finally was able to talk and I said "mark, i love you too" and then I started bawling more. It was a VERY Magical moment..and I will never forget it.

                        Then of course we talked about how we had loved eachother for a long time, but it never came up..cause we were sure of the others reaction..Then he teases me that I am the one that said it first..but really I didn't!


                          He said it first and it surprised me. We were out with my friends and my best friend and him were talking and I was sitting on his lap talking to my friend at the bar. I wasn't paying attention to my bf and best friend and then he turns me around and says "I love you too." I just looked at him and my best friend wondering what she had said to him. Well later that night we were lying in bed talking and he stops me mid sentence and says "I love you," and I said "really?" I then told him I loved him too, it was actually a really cute moment, next I asked what my best friend said and he said they were talking about me and she told him I loved him but was too afraid to say it. He told her that he loved me too which is why he turned me around and said it. I knew I loved him pretty much instantly. He was everything I had ever wanted in a partner and someone to spend my life with.

