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Grocery Girl: Should I Say Something?

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    Grocery Girl: Should I Say Something?

    One other thing (before I get onto good stuff)...and I did debate posting a new thread or not, is the grocery girl incident. To preface it, for the entire visit, he was very informative about anyone we ran into (even told me the life story of the check-out girl at the zoo), gave me introductions (if we talked to someone for awhile...or at least gave me explanations after), and was very good about not having wandering eye syndrome (except for goggling at the cocktail waitress one night, but I would like to believe that he was trying to get his friend's attention who did come over to chat a little later...and some man-flirting with the male baristas at his favourite coffee there something I don't know? )...he was very consistent about all of these things. So, one night, we went to the grocery store to get dinner and dessert ingredients. We were walking past a 20-something couple and he and the woman seemed very surprised to see each other and she gave him this big come-hither smile with a very brief glance at me (as if to hint he should intro. me if he dare) before locking eyes with him again. The said the basic "hi, how are you?" to each other, but she did not introduce the guy with her to us and my SO did not introduce me to them. I would have passed this off as an acquaintanceship not worth an introduction, but as we walked away, he turned almost fully around to look back at her (and my sixth sense said she might have done the same). This was very out of character for him, but I didn't have the heart to turn fully around too (though I could sort of see his expression was still one of surprise and a mix of a little bit of a smile, morphing into some confusion/ chagrin) and I didn't ask him about why he was so surprised, either--I should have. After that, it took him a little while to recover his concentration and speech faculties when I finally asked him which ingredient we needed next.

    I hope I am wrong, but I am guessing that she was either an ex or a crush and he as surprised to see her in the same city/ with someone and was ruffled to have to demonstrate he was with someone. What do you think of the situation? Should I say something to him (seems a bit over-sensitive, but it is eating at me since it was so out of character)?

    I think you might be a bit chewed up by the jealousy bug right now. Whoever the girl was he obviously didn't find it important to explain who she was if you didn't ask and they didn't stop and have a chat so I wouldn't count it as a big deal. Her attitude doesn't influence his and you don't need to know every girl he's ever known in his life either romantically or simply as a friend, especially if they're a "blast from the past". If it's really bothering you just mention in passing, "hey y'know that girl we ran into at [place]? She an old friend?" and whatever the answer is don't react with more than an 'OK' and changing of subject. You only need to worry about the women around him now who are making it known in some form or another that they ARE a threat.


      Okay, I don't want to be creepy...but I feel like if we lived near each other, we could be good friends. It's always good to get your commentary.'re right. I think I am just being jealous about it. Plus, I am insatiably curious, so I am wondering why he is acting out of character. I'll try and refrain from bringing it up, but your compromise is a good idea (and I am sure that in a weak moment, when I do ask him, I will really appreciate your advice).

      Hmmmmn...G, you mean? Or L? Both? At least B seems okay?


        Not creepy at all.

        It might just be whoever she was/is brought up some memories that either are good or bad which could account for any change in behavior. Memory lane does that. And I believe more G since she seems the aggressive, no-holding-back type. L's more like a jealous little sister, I wouldn't even throw B into the equation.


          How old is he?
          I know about the jealousy thing: it sucks. But if your made to be jealous, you will be. Dont make him accountable, wait it out. Dont boil in it either, just brush it off for now. Upon your next visit, you should ask him " was that girl you spoke to named Cindy? " when he says no,'s nancy or whatever, then just add on how much she resembles your ex's sister and then say, who was she? Then you'll get an answer..viola


            He's 26 and I'm 25 (I know...maybe I am a bit too old to sound so jealous, but whatever). The couple looked around the same age as us. Honestly, it's still on my mind--he really was going out of his way to explain his connections to almost it isn't like I was demanding he profile every girl he ever knew to me. I know that I am being jealous, but perhaps the situation predisposes me to it. Maybe he did it on purpose, but that would be really mean!

            That's a clever idea to get it out of him, too. I can play it a bit dumb and alter it to "who was she, again?" and have a befuddled look on my face. Though, if I wait until we next see each other, that could be months it may have to happen on Skype. Right now, I am getting all the pictures of our trip edited and he texted me while he was at work, so I am in a relatively good mood...other than having sat at the computer most of the day (what a lump!).

