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feeling after party...

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    feeling after party...

    I was at my super best friends birthday party and it was really cool i had a great time.. But.. when i drunk a little more then normal i started missing my boy more then in general (when i am not drunk, i think alochol is making feelings more sensitive).. all i want to do is to be with my boy forever.. i want him next to mee.. cant wait to close the distance, but i dont know when will it happen (i am sure it will not happen during 1 year).. I hope that we will have happy end <3 and i hope that everyone who has a real one between us will have the super happy end !
    at this party there was one of my friends friend who has just arrived from england ( england is that magic country where my love is living) and he said a little bad things about english ppl like they are not friendly and they are not same as us, then another my friends girl said that he even cant be friend with a person from another country and i went super angry.. my friends got my long distance relationship normally but i have feeling that they are not sure about it and so on..
    for me my boy is like my half, i dont mind from where is he.. and in general for me its important that ppl were lavly, kind, friendly (not only that moments when you are happy) another things are not important.. even not religion.. me and my boy have the different religion but every view of us are the same..

    p.s. sorry, i know i am talking lots and maybe i am boring sorry for my bad english..
    love you all.. I think is the best place for us to talk about thinks that we feel during our long distance relationship.. thank you..

    If you have faith in your relationship and you love your boyfriend don't let anyone hinder that. There will always be people who disagree with it but that doesn't mean they're right. You could apologize to your friends for getting angry at them and let them know that you really need their support.

    What the guy from England said is kind of ridiculous. I don't know where you're from but that's like saying every Canadian says "eh" at the end of every sentence. I can assure you that we do not. I wouldn't let what he said about that affect your feelings for your boyfriend. People from different countries are not so different at all; doesn't matter where you're from.


      There will always be people who disagree with long distance relationship, even those who we know. I, myself, had to deal with people telling me my relationship with my SO would never last or turn into something really special, saying it was ridiculous, that I was being naive, that I was better off with a close relationship one... but you know what? Even if their words hurt me, I would talk about my hurtful feelings with my SO (or someone close if I wanted to hear it from someone outside the relationship who could speak from a neutral point of view, or even here now ;P). My SO always comforted me and kept giving me strength and I do the same whenever he needs me. We support each other in the hardships of this relationship and it helps us deal with the outsiders who think they know about our relation better than us. Don't let what other people say bring you down, ok?

      And yes, this is a great place to talk about our LDRs, so if you ever need someone to talk to, you have us! Who better to understand the difficulties with long distance relationships, yeah?

      Looking for the future...

      First Meeting: March 20 2016
      Got separated: August 2016
      Reunion: July 2017
      Officially together: January 2018
      ... And many meetings later ...

