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need to vent I guess....

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    need to vent I guess....

    some of you may know what I'm in but if not, I'll make it short:

    My SO are half a world apart. I live in Chile, but I'm moving to Denmark on the following months and she is in the Philippines...
    we only talk once every other weekend unless she get's to lend her roommates laptop which is rare and otherwise there's the maybe-once-a-week call that doesn't really last longer than 5 minutes because it's so expensive, but even then, we've been going for 3 months now.
    oh btw, we do Skype talk, but it's only voice calls as neither of us got a cam....

    last year, she had some really bad times with men there, and she learned to not trust people (or better said, men in general). this lead to one thing which is kind of... sad? she really isn't "in touch with her feelings" as how she put it once, so sometimes she wouldn't know how to react when I do things for her, but the worst part is that she doesn't really do, or say things for that matter to make me feel like I'm doing that great in this relationship. Sure there is the "I'm so lucky/glad I got you" or "I hope I wont lose you" kind of things from time to time, and maybe I'm asking too much as we're trying not to rush anything but I really think it could be better.

    It's probably the time we spend apart we're not talking and that we only get to really chat for about weekend that is taking it's toll on me.
    also... I guess I can't really rule out the fact that sometimes I just really long to be able to just magically teleport myself to her. I really want to be able to see her, touch her and feel her myself instead of having to psychologically hug her through the screen (I'm a sad person eh...)

    ok, I think that's it right now...
    I probably sounded a bit girlish in some parts, but eh, that's how it is at this time...

    any comment is welcome. thanks for reading this through!

    Webcams are not expensive, you can find a really cheap one and it'll work just fine. Before I got my laptop I bought one for just $40 and there were cheaper ones than that.

    Also, you really have to be patient when it comes to being with people with trust issues. I had a plethora of issues when I met my SO and he worked his butt off to get my full trust and for me to take down the walls that I had built. Its only been three months, its going to take a lot longer than that to get her to trust you. It took me over a year to tell my SO that I trusted him completely.

    Hang in there.
    Made it official: 12-01-10
    First visit: 3-29-13/4-09-13
    Closed the distance: 07-31-13


      i understand things must be difficult for you guys. Hang in there.
      As for trust issues..i have them too. And whatever she says to you , you have to get that it means much more than she lets on. It must be a huge deal for her to tell you she is lucky to have you. Patience does help.. and trying to see things a bit from her perspective.
      Also.. it might help if you told these things to her too and had a talk.


        You guys should try viber! You can call and message each other for free as long as there is internet/wifi. Yes, that's kind of bothersome if you feel like that. LDR's can be so tasking and sad in the sense that you can't be there physically for your SO. She should stop thinking about the past. Big deal, all of us who have had ex's get bad experiences. That's why we learn from them, move on, and not ever bring them up ever. Maybe once or twice is enough, but really, who wants to hear that crap over and over again? Try viber. If both of you have viber, communication's free for as long as there is internet. I know Philippines too well. There's wifi almost everywhere now... especially if she's from Luzon or Visayas. People who can't afford a car or a cellphone spend their 30K php on concert tickets. So she can't tell you "it can't be done," if you're requesting for more talking. This is you guys' future, communication is key!
        S & C


          thanks a lot for the comments, really appreciate them!

