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Is he trying to put distance between us?

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    Is he trying to put distance between us?

    Warning this is kinda long!

    So my bf and I have been together for 13 months. But for the last 3 months, he's been acting a little different. Before he would IM me all day at work and even call when he said he probably won't be able too. (He been out of work since graduating from grad school) And he got a temp job which i understood his contacts to my slowing down. But it started to get worse and worse. I confronted him about 2 months, because I just had not clue what was going on and felt like he didn't care. There he told me that he cared, he wanted me and that he don't know what he would do without me esp. in the past year. So i understood and thought to let him off the hook.

    Recently, it has gotten really bad. So on that one confrontation we both agreed to try to meet up with each other at least once a month. So we set the date and i just wanted to know when would be the best times for me to get there. He said he was going to figure things out cause now there was some complications. And would call me back the next day. He didn't call, I was kinda getting upset cause this was something we set up and felt like he didn't want to see me. So i confront him again and he tells me that he doesn't know where i can stay and he doesn't want me to be paying for a hotel because that wouldn't be fair for me. (He's been living at home and his bro is about to move in because he doesn't have a job either). He said if i do come and I have to pay for the hotel he will feel bad. So i said "ok, so lets not meet up this month." And he hesitated and said we should just take it one day at a time so he could figure out somethings. He also mentioned that there are things he would like to get me but he feels bad cause either doesn't have the time to get it for me or just don't have the money....(He's the Provider).

    Sigh...but even with all the conversations. He still feels a bit distant. I think he's under stress. But I dunno what I can do now??

    Why do you have to go and see him, why can't he go and see you? Why can't you stay at his house if you go and visit him? To me it seems like he's just making excuses as to why you shouldn't go and visit him.

    All I would suggest is to ask him up front what is going on and then tell him how you are feeling about the whole situation maybe it will help to bring things into perspective for both of you.

    Treasuretrooper <-- how I helped pay for some of my LDR expenses when I was in one.


      That's what I was saying too! I told him that it's not all that complicated and I could just stay with him at his house with his mom. And he doesn't have the money to visit me... I talked to him but it still doesn't make complete sense all i can here is his ego of not being able to provide for me... I dunno if i should keep bring it up? Or just drop it? Its very frustrating and he's not good at communicating either.


        Is he in the middle of looking for a better or more permanent job? Is he having a hard time getting money to pay basic bills and buy groceries? Is he getting pressure put on him from anyone, whether friends or family? If something negative is going on with him on his end then it would affect the frequency of communication as well as quality. He's not entirely blameless as it would be nice if he let you know such things or would put more effort towards trying to keep you from worrying/being angry if he knows it's how you feel about the change.

        As for meeting him, would this be before or after the brother moves in? If after would one of them mind taking the couch for the duration of your stay? Yes it's not exactly ideal privacy-wise but it costs less than a hotel and it would be less guilt about the set up for him. With Riyko mentioning him visiting you, if he's in a temp job then he may not get the luxury of scheduling time off or his hours. My SO was a temp for a couple months before they took him on as a full employee (my cousin's also done temp work too) and you're bottom of the barrel in everything because you're easily replaced. It may be he can't visit you because of this and, again, money issues. Have you asked him why he can't make the trip to you instead?

        It's understandable that he wants to be the "Man" and provide and basically be the backbone of the relationship financially but 1) he has to realize you're LDR and that in this case you're on equal ground in terms of money and living situations, and 2) again because you're LDR he needs to communicate. Emphasize this to him. It won't happen overnight, it may take months, but even if he has valid excuses for situations such as these he's doing you both a disservice by saying nothing or puffing out his chest and refusing a compromise for the sake of his pride's jockstrap size.


          LadyMarch, you are soo wise. I think your right, I should probably cut him some slack there but I will emphasize the communication issue more. With the financial issues i think its taking a toll on him.

          But I did mention the whole staying at his mom's house and him crashing on the couch and he didn't seem keen on that either. So what am I to do... I suggested this whole visitation thing for us but i guess i like him more than he likes me. It seems like that just switched at a certain point. :/
          Last edited by COgrl789; August 1, 2010, 11:26 PM.

